The former First Lady delivered the highlight of the party convention so far. The reactions to her speech show that despite the enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, the real figure of desire is someone else.
Michelle Obama quotes Kamala Harris’ mother to convey her most important political message. She once told her daughter: “Don’t sit around and complain about things – do something!”
Do something!
“If they lie about her, and they will,” the former first lady said, “we have to do something! If we see a bad poll, and we will, we have to put the phone down and do something! If we get tired, if we feel the fear coming back up, we have to pull ourselves together, throw water on our faces and do something!”
Their message is clear to everyone: Don’t accept the status quo, don’t accept the possible return of Donald Trump. Damn it, do something.
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Source: Stern
I have been working in the news industry for over 6 years, first as a reporter and now as an editor. I have covered politics extensively, and my work has appeared in major newspapers and online news outlets around the world. In addition to my writing, I also contribute regularly to 24 Hours World.