Although he doesn’t mean everything he says seriously, he is deadly serious here: Jan Böhmermann believes the decision to introduce controls at the borders is fundamentally wrong.
The German government’s plan to reinstate controls at the external borders has met with approval as well as clear criticism. Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski was star-Interview clearly: “That’s not how you treat partners.”
Satirist Jan Böhmermann has also spoken out on the subject. “For a few cheap political points, the SPD-Greens-FDP federal government is locking us in and Europe and the world out,” said the moderator of “ZDF Magazin Royale” in a video on his X-Account. “And the CDU and CSU naturally want even more isolation.”
What the controls will achieve is unclear to him, says Böhmermann. “Border controls do not prevent terrorist attacks. This is nothing more than pure populism.” Rather, with its plans, the federal government is “further fueling prejudices against people who were not born in Germany.” They are a “stupid idea.”
Jan Böhmermann accuses federal government of populism
The moderator wants to back up his theses with figures: “The number of violent crimes has been declining in Germany for years.” In fact, according to the Police Crime Statistics (PKS), the number of registered violent crimes rose by 8.6 percent last year compared to 2022. It is the highest level since 2007. The number of all crimes rose by 5.5 percent, the highest level since 2017. Böhmermann bases his statement on the number of registered murders, which fell from around 1,300 in 1993 to 2,014 in 2023. These values correspond to those from the PKS.
At the same time, the number of foreigners in Germany has risen significantly – “and our country is safer than ever,” says the satirist. The border closures do not solve any problems in the country, for example in the area of education. Rather, they benefit all those “who want to drive us apart in order to gain power themselves.”
“The Nazis can’t contain their joy. They’re giggling because everyone is making politics out of their blue-brown asses,” is Böhmermann’s bitter conclusion. “Anyone who follows right-wing extremists loses. Anyone who follows right-wing extremists doesn’t build bridges – they cause bridges to collapse.”
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Source: Stern
I have been working in the news industry for over 6 years, first as a reporter and now as an editor. I have covered politics extensively, and my work has appeared in major newspapers and online news outlets around the world. In addition to my writing, I also contribute regularly to 24 Hours World.