After the traffic light goes out: Lindner: I need my Porsche now

After the traffic light goes out: Lindner: I need my Porsche now

After traffic lights go off
Lindner: I need my Porsche now

FDP leader Lindner likes old, fast cars. He briefly considered getting rid of his Porsche. But the dismissal from the federal government changes a lot.

He had toyed with the idea of ​​selling his classic Porsche car – but after his dismissal as finance minister, that is now out of the question for Christian Lindner. When he reported his thoughts in an interview, he still had a company car, the FDP leader explained in a post on X. “It’s gone. Now I need the old car.” Lindner published a photo that obviously shows him on a Berlin S-Bahn. “Mind games over,” he wrote with a laughing smiley.

In an interview for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” magazine, the 45-year-old said he was thinking about getting rid of his Porsche 911. The car is still in very good condition and only has 23,000 kilometers on the clock after 42 years. The interview was conducted in mid-October, several weeks before Lindner was fired from the federal government.


Source: Stern

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