Expert says new Russia alliance is “an axis of desperation”

Expert says new Russia alliance is “an axis of desperation”

“The Situation – International”
Expert Mölling on the Russian alliance: “An axis of despair”

According to security expert Christian Mölling, the new agreement between Russia and Iran reveals the weakness of both states. Above all, it has one goal.

According to Christian Mölling, the new agreement between Russia and Iran shows the weakness of both states. “The war is forcing Russia to make many concessions,” said the political scientist at the Bertelsmann Foundation star– “The Situation – International”: “So of course it is also an axis of despair.”

It’s not just Russia that has its back against the wall: “Iran does that too.” The agreement is an attempt to circumvent the sanctions that both Russia and Iran face.

Background: Iranian President Massoud Peseschkian is visiting Moscow today to sign a strategic partnership agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin. It should be valid for 20 years and, above all, intensify economic cooperation.

Iran cannot count on Russia

Iran and Russia want to create the impression of a “new dark alliance” towards the West, said Mölling. However, the political scientist does not consider the alliance to be particularly sustainable: “In contrast to the goals of our alliances, this alliance is primarily about sending disruption and disturbing us.” But it is always much easier to disrupt things than to build a common alliance capability.

Iran should therefore not expect much help in its fight for survival. “Russia has just had demonstrations in Syria about where its borders are and was not prepared to get more involved.” It cannot be assumed that Russia will become more involved in the dispute between Iran and Israel.

Source: Stern

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