Russia attack 2028? EU foreign policy chief Kallas warns

Russia attack 2028? EU foreign policy chief Kallas warns

Secret services warn
Foreign Affairs Representative Kallas: Russia could attack the EU from 2028

Could Russia also attack an EU country after Ukraine? According to EU information, secret services are not ruling this out in the medium term. The EU’s chief diplomat warns of consequences.

According to EU foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas, secret services are warning of a possible Russian attack from 2028.

“Many of our national intelligence services are giving us information that Russia could test the EU’s defense preparedness in three to five years,” said the former Estonian head of government at a European Defense Agency event in Brussels. The EU must not only spend money to prevent war, but also prepare for war.

“Europe’s failure to invest in military capabilities also sends a dangerous signal to the aggressor,” Kallas emphasized. “Weakness invites him.”

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Estonia’s Prime Minister Kallas: “If the Ukrainians are not afraid of escalation, then we shouldn’t be either”

EU Foreign Affairs Representative Kallas: Trump is right

US President Donald Trump is right when he says that Europeans are not spending enough money on defense. Last year, EU member states spent an average of 1.9 percent of their gross domestic product on defense. Russia, on the other hand, spends nine percent.

Kallas did not provide any details about Russia’s possible plans. However, she expressed the assessment that Ukraine is currently buying the EU time with its defensive war against Russia.

With regard to the EU’s support for Ukraine, she announced that a 16th package of Russia sanctions was currently being worked on and that she wanted to work for a more efficient use of frozen Russian assets for Ukraine. She put the value of the military aid provided so far by EU states at just under 50 billion euros. By the end of next month, 75,000 Ukrainian soldiers will have been trained, she said.



Source: Stern

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