Donald Trump gives Selenskyj complicit on the Ukraine War

Donald Trump gives Selenskyj complicit on the Ukraine War

“He is not an angel”
Donald Trump gives Selenskyj complicit on the Ukraine War

Serious allegations by the new US President Donald Trump against Wolodymyr Selenskyj: The President of Ukraine had approved the escalation of the Russian attack.

The new US President Donald Trump gives the Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj to blame for the escalation of the Russian attack war. “He shouldn’t have allowed this to be done either. He is not an angel. He shouldn’t have allowed this war,” Trump told Fox News. However, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin ordered the war of attack on neighboring Ukraine in February 2022.

Russia justified the invasion of his troops into Ukraine with a “denazification” of the neighboring country. However, Selenskyj is a Jewish descent. Russian armed forces had occupied parts of Ukraine since 2014 and also occupied the Ukrainian Peninsula Crimea.

Donald Trump: “I could have just done a deal”

Trump expressly said in the interview that Selenskyj should have surrendered. However, he formulated it like an accusation to the president that he had agreed to fight a significantly superior opponent. “He shouldn’t have done that.”

The alternative? You could have done a “deal”, said Trump and added: “I could have done a deal so simply. And Selenskyj decided that …” I want to fight “.” Ukraine has been defending itself against the attacks for almost three years.

Russia had 30,000 tanks, Selenskyj not a single one, said Trump. Then the USA and the allies had started to deliver more and more equipment – and the Ukrainians had the courage to use them.

Trump had said in the election campaign that he could end the Russian war of attack in 24 hours – but remained guilty of details that he wanted to achieve. He repeated that the war had to end and threatened Russia again with sanctions and tariffs. Selenskyj is ready for an agreement. “He has enough.”

Selenskyj welcomes Trump advance

Meanwhile, Selenskyj welcomed Trump’s proposal to end the Russian attack war by a drastic reduction in the oil price. Oil in particular remains one of the key factors to achieve peace and real security, said Selenskyj in his evening video message that was spread in Kiev. It is important to maintain the pressure on Russia because the country is trying to continue aggression and the crew.

Trump had previously explained that he wanted to end the war in Ukraine through a low oil price and talk to the Opec and Saudi Arabia about reducing the costs. “If the price would drop, the Russian-Ukrainian war would stop immediately,” said Trump in his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. “At the moment, the price is high enough for the war to continue,” said Trump. “I will ask Saudi Arabia and the Opec to reduce the costs for oil.” The price must fall.

The energy -gross power of Russia finances its war of aggression, for example by selling oil to India and China. All previous attempts by the West – from an embargo for Russian oil in the United States to a price cover in the EU to sanctions against tankers – did not bring the success hoped for by Ukraine to dry one of the most important sources of financing for Moscow War.

“You have to lower the price, you can end the war,” said Trump. He had previously explained to significantly raise oil production in the United States. A higher offer on the world market would drop prices.

Trump wants to talk to Putin about the end of the war

Trump said several times that Putin soon wanted to talk about the end of the war. So far, he has not presented a plan on how he wants to come to peace in the complex conflict. Putin himself had agreed to a dialogue and also about possible compromises. According to Kremlin, neither a phone call nor a meeting of Putin with Trump is in preparation.

“We support US President Donald Trump in his wish to reduce the oil price. As a result, Russia’s ability to finance the war will collapse,” said the head of the Ukrainian Presidential Administration, Andrij Jermak, in his channel near Telegram. The goal must be to push the price of a barrel oil to $ 30. A hard price case is also the way to “global security,” said Jermak. A barrel of the US variety WTI currently costs more than $ 74, Opec-oil more than $ 80 per barrel.

Kremlin convinces of economic strength

Russia has massively raised his war economy, not least thanks to the bubbling income from the sale of oil and gas. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskow said in Moscow that the Russian economy was strong despite sanctions and also has reserves to cover both military and social expenses.

“We continue to have pretty high growth rates – regardless of certain problem factors,” said Peskow with a view to media reports, according to which the economic situation in the country is becoming more and more difficult for Putin. Russia are huge inflation and interest.

Above all, the bypass of sanctions of the West is associated with high additional costs for the giant kingdom. Traditionally, the Kremlin plays the effect of the sanctions. Putin also repeatedly said that the punitive measures had made Russia’s economy more resistant because it concentrated more on her own strengths.

War acts last unabated

The Russian troops continued their advance in Donbass and also committed new air strikes. In the South Ukrainian city of Saporischchja, the number of injuries rose to 52 after a Russian rocket attack, as President Selenskyj announced in his video message. A person died.



Source: Stern

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