Wahlswiper, Agrar-O-Mat and Co.: These are the alternatives to the election machine for the Bundestag election 2025

Wahlswiper, Agrar-O-Mat and Co.: These are the alternatives to the election machine for the Bundestag election 2025

Bundestag election 2025
These alternatives are available for the election machine-Agrar-O-Mat to Wahlswiper

Before the Bundestag election, many citizens are looking for help with the election machine. However, there are also some other offers that can provide inspiration when it comes to the election decision.

Many citizens are not easy to decide which party they should give their voice in the Bundestag election on February 23. Assistance should provide online tools that, based on user preferences, indicate which party are most likely to match.

The best known of these portals is the election machine that has been available since the 2002 Bundestag election and which should be available this year from February 6. In a Forsa survey for the star, 41 percent of Germans announce to use the election tomatoes. Almost two thirds want to fall back on the 18- to 29-year-olds. In the past, 51 percent of Germans have made use of this possibility.

But in addition to the election machine, there are some other, less well -known offers that offer inspiration for the election decision.

Alternatives to the election machine: from Agrar-O-Mat to Wahlswiper

The Voteswiper association has been offering the offer since the 2017 Bundestag election. The uncompromise app is available in English, Turkish, Russian, Arabic and Persian. The user interface is based on online dating portals, there are no gray levels there: the users have to choose “yes” or “no” for various theses. It is not yet clear when it is not yet clear when the upcoming Bundestag election can be played.

It was developed at the University of Münster and has been offered since the 2019 European election. According to his own statement, he should represent a “scientific alternative to the election machine”. Users give their opinion on 31 theses and then see on a matrix which party they are closest.

“You have the whale,” the makers call from their users. The offer follows a different approach than the rest: this is not about plans by the parties, but about their voting behavior in the past. Users can replay the votes of the past legislative period. The disadvantage: So only parties are recorded that are already in parliament. The quiz for the Bundestag election 2025 is scheduled to go online at the end of January.

It is more old -fashioned in terms of design. According to their own statements, the creators give all parties the opportunity to send their most important topics. After that, questions are sent to the other parties. In this way, “greatest possible neutrality” is to be guaranteed. It is still unclear when the party comparison for the election in February will go online.

Artificial intelligence was not as big as it is in the past Bundestag election. When choosing a new election, an AI offer is now also involved: From February 9th you can ask the parties’ programs-“” A completely new dimension of interactivity, “emphasize the makers from the Thuringian AIUI. There is also a classic questionnaire.

Offers for special subject areas

There are also various election aids that focus on special topics. Anyone who attaches particular importance to climate and environmental protection on the urn can experience the positions of the parties to this complex. This in turn turns primarily to farmers and deals with questions about agricultural policy. The positions are analyzed by AfD, BSW, CDU/CSU, FDP, free voters, Greens, Left and SPD. The offer should be available from January 29, behind it is the editorial team of “Agrarheute”.

Another portal, on the other hand, will not take place for the new election: Due to the short -term, it will not be offered this year. There, the diakonia had informed about socio -political issues.

In our live ticker for the Bundestag election 2025 you will find current news on the early new elections every day.


Source: Stern

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