Bundestag election campaign: survey: no losses for Union after migration votes

Bundestag election campaign: survey: no losses for Union after migration votes

Bundestag election campaign
Survey: no losses for Union after migration votes

Has it harmed the Union that it also counted on AfD votes in the event of votes in the Bundestag? Now there is a first survey of the unprecedented parliamentary week.

According to a new survey, the joint votes of the CDU/CSU and AfD in the Bundestag have not harmed the Union. The Union unchanged the survey of the Insa Institute for “Bild” in the Sunday question. The AfD as the second strongest force remains 22 percent. The data was collected from Friday to Monday, 2,004 eligible voters were interviewed.

Compared to the previous week, the SPD and the Greens can increase slightly by 0.5 percentage points to 16 or 13 percent. The FDP remains at 4.5 percent and would therefore narrowly miss the re -entry into the Bundestag. In contrast, the left (5 percent/+0.5) and the alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (5.5 percent/-0.5) would come to parliament.

Controversial votes with the AfD

The dispute over migration policy had led to unprecedented faults in the Bundestag last week. On Wednesday, the Union had brought a five-point plan to tighten the migration policy with the votes of the AfD through the parliament, which is not binding for the government. A bill with specific rules failed on Friday despite the AfD approval because votes from the Union and FDP were missing.

Election surveys are generally affected with uncertainties, for example due to a declining party boundaries and always short -term election decisions. The data collected by the institutes also only show the opinion at the time of the survey and are not forecasts on the election outcome.


Source: Stern

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