
Malvinas: controversy over the name change of the Mendoza stadium for the U-20 World Cup

Malvinas: controversy over the name change of the Mendoza stadium for the U-20 World Cup

In it Malvinas Argentinas Stadium in Mendoza the symbol of the islands that the country claims from the United Kingdom appeared covered, and it was presented just as “Mendoza Stadium” in the four games played by the Sub 20 world. Now the Chancellery asks the governor for explanations Rodolfo Suarez (UCR)

The funny thing is that Suarez they had qualified as “unfounded rumors” to resign the name and symbology of Falklands in this tournament, broadcast internationally.

The concrete thing is that the organizers chose to name him directly as “Mendoza” and delete the logo of the islands, in what seems to have been a tacit concession of the AFA to the FIFA.

Although the International Football Federation (FIFA) decided that the stadiums should be named during the competition by the city they represent and not by their original names, it was striking that the symbols of the Falkland Islands and the Argentine flag, and in its place two World Cup posters will be placed.

malvinas stadium.jpg

Anger from the Chancellery

This action did not go unnoticed by the Secretary for Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic at the Foreign Ministry, Guillermo Carmona, who denounced him through his social networksand reproached Governor Suárez for allowing it.

The national official shared in his account Twitter the “before and after” of the board and pointed at the governor: “In the end it was not a ‘ball’, as the governor said @rodysuarezthe Malvinas Argentinas Stadium during the Under 20 Youth World Cup. And they not only covered our islands, they also did it with the Argentine flag, ”he said.

And he added that “they never saw a satisfactory explanation of what they negotiated and agreed with the FIFA. They never consulted with the Chancellery. What the electronic board shows says it all”.

“In the absence of a satisfactory explanation, will there be at least one request for a public apology from the governor?” the public official wondered.

For his part, the candidate for lieutenant governor of the “Avanza Mendoza” list, Lucas Ilardoincluded in the criticisms the Undersecretary of Sports of Mendoza, Federico Chiapetta.

Chiapetta continue in charge of Sports and still no one understands why. Suarez He told us it was a ‘big ball’, he lied again but impunity covers him,” the senator asserted in a publication in Twitter.

and assured that “This time, he lied to dishonor our Malvinas heroes by covering them up in the Mendoza stadium. Shameful”.

Source: Ambito

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