Olympia Compact: World record holder falls heavily in the obstacle final

Olympia Compact: World record holder falls heavily in the obstacle final

Australian hockey player Tom Craig appears to have gotten off lightly. He is now free again after being arrested for buying cocaine in Paris. Craig apologized on the sidelines of the Olympic Games for “a terrible mistake” and showed remorse. The 28-year-old, who is set to play for the Hamburg Polo Club in the Bundesliga next season, spent the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in custody. He was released by the police with a warning and will avoid a fine or other official consequences.

“First of all, I want to apologize for what has happened over the last 24 hours,” says Craig, who has played for his country for ten years and won Olympic silver with the Australians in Tokyo in 2021. “I take full responsibility for my actions. They in no way reflect the values ​​of my family, my teammates, my friends, the sport and the Australian Olympic team.”

Source: Stern

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