When do I get paid ANSES: retirees, AUH, unemployment and the rest of the benefits on Tuesday, August 27?

When do I get paid ANSES: retirees, AUH, unemployment and the rest of the benefits on Tuesday, August 27?

August 27, 2024 – 00:00

The National Social Security Administration announced that starting this month there will be an increase for retirements, pensions and allowances. Find out what the salaries will be in August 2024.


The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) confirmed an increase of 4.58% for retirements, pensions and allowances in the month of August. In this way, the minimum pension will be $225,454.42, plus a bonus of $70,000, so these holders will receive a total of $295,454.42. The rest of the pensions will receive a proportional bonus until reaching that amount.

Since the new mobility formula (Decree 274/24) came into effect, the increases for pensions, retirements and allowances are monthly and take as a reference the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of two months ago. This measure aims to maintain the purchasing power of the beneficiaries in the face of inflation.



August payment schedule

Retirements and pensions that do not exceed a minimum income

  • DNI ending in 0: August 8
  • DNI ending in 1: August 9
  • DNI ending in 2: August 12
  • DNI ending in 3: August 13
  • DNI ending in 4: August 14
  • DNI ending in 5: August 15
  • DNI ending in 6: August 16
  • DNI ending in 7: August 19
  • DNI ending in 8: August 20
  • DNI ending in 9: August 21

Retirements and pensions that exceed a minimum income

  • DNI ending in 0 and 1: August 22
  • DNI ending in 2 and 3: August 23
  • DNI ending in 4 and 5: August 26
  • DNI ending in 6 and 7: August 27
  • DNI ending in 8 and 9: August 28

Universal Child Allowance and Family Allowance for Children

  • DNI ending in 0: August 8
  • DNI ending in 1: August 9
  • DNI ending in 2: August 12
  • DNI ending in 3: August 13
  • DNI ending in 4: August 14
  • DNI ending in 5: August 15
  • DNI ending in 6: August 16
  • DNI ending in 7: August 19
  • DNI ending in 8: August 20
  • DNI ending in 9: August 21

ANSES 5.jpg

Ignacio Petunchi

Pregnancy Allowance

  • DNI ending in 1: August 9
  • DNI ending in 2: August 12
  • DNI ending in 3: August 13
  • DNI ending in 4: August 14
  • DNI ending in 5: August 15
  • DNI ending in 6: August 16
  • DNI ending in 7: August 19
  • DNI ending in 8: August 20
  • DNI ending in 9: August 21
  • DNI ending in 9: August 22

Prenatal and Maternity Allowance

  • DNI ending in 0 and 1: August 12
  • DNI ending in 2 and 3: August 13
  • DNI ending in 4 and 5: August 14
  • DNI ending in 6 and 7: August 15
  • DNI ending in 8 and 9: August 16

One-time payments: Marriage, Adoption and Birth

  • All document endings (first half): August 9 to September 10
  • All document endings (second half): August 21 to September 10

Non-contributory pensions

  • DNI ending in 0 and 1: August 8
  • DNI ending in 2 and 3: August 9
  • DNI ending in 4 and 5: August 12
  • DNI ending in 6 and 7: August 13
  • DNI ending in 8 and 9: August 14

Family Allowances for Non-Contributory Pensions

  • All document endings: August 8 to September 10

ANSES money


Unemployment Benefit

Plan 1 (month to be charged August)

  • DNI ending in 0 and 1: August 21
  • DNI ending in 2 and 3: August 22
  • DNI ending in 4 and 5: August 23
  • DNI ending in 6 and 7: August 26
  • DNI ending in 8 and 9: August 27

Plan 2 (month to be paid July)

  • All document endings: August 1 to September 12

Source: Ambito

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