
Javier Milei defended Santiago Caputo, supported Victoria Villaruel and announced that he will form an interblock with the PRO

Javier Milei defended Santiago Caputo, supported Victoria Villaruel and announced that he will form an interblock with the PRO

The President Javier Milei reaffirmed his support for his advisor Santiago Caputo already the vice president Victoria Villarruel, amidst internal noise in Freedom Advances for the performance of both. In addition, he responded to Mauricio Macri for his criticism of economic management, although he announced that he will work with the former president to form a interblock with the PRO. He also spoke about the retirement veto, the economic activity, the pending reforms and the stocks.

Another issue that separates the president from his vice president is the nomination of the judge Ariel Lijo as a member of the Supreme Court. The head of the Senate publicly spoke out against the judge nominated by the President. However, for Milei It was an unimportant opinion. “That’s not serious because she doesn’t vote, “Therefore, she is giving a personal opinion that has no relevant impact on the selection of a court judge,” she said in an interview with LN+.

Speaking about the differences that separate them, he said that “liberals are not a pack.” However, he acknowledged that Villarruel “She does not come from the liberal wing but apart from that she has her own opinion. In political terms it is not significant because she does not vote,” he said. And he affirmed that he would choose Villarruel as vice president again, even in the event of a re-election: “If things go this way, there’s no problem. We’ll have to see if she wants to continue accompanying me. Tango is danced by two.”

In another part of the interview, the President explained the expulsions of the deputy Lourdes Arrieta and the senator Francisco Paoltroni from the Freedom Advances block. “Arrieta was expelled from the block for making false accusations against the rest of her colleagues, which we find absolutely unacceptable,” He said and added: “Paoltroni showed an attitude that was not in line with the role he took on. He has a different responsibility than Villarruel. He does have a vote and that is a responsibility. He has no chance of having a seat if he had not been attached to a ballot that I was on.”

Milei spoke about her relationship with Mauricio Macri and compared both administrations

On the other hand, Milei He was asked about his current relationship with Mauricio Macri and qualified he link of “fabulous”. However, he also referred to the criticisms that the former president made of the libertarian administration. “It had a fiscal deficit in the Treasury similar” to the one received by La Libertad Avanza, but “it was not fixed in four years.”

“In fact, reached zero primary deficit by liquefaction, not by adjustmentwhich came after the chaotic process of 2018 and was achieved with releases without payments, therefore, the central axis of all the country’s problems, was not even close to being fixed, but we did so in a month,” he said.

Despite the questions, the similarities that unite the libertarian space with the PRO are greater than the differences. And in that sense, Milei announced that they will work to further delve into the virtues of the confluence, which will lead to an interbloc to coordinate laws in Congress. “We are going to work in a coordination. I am going to get more actively involved in political issues. We are going to coordinate laws with the PRO. The natural result will be to reach an interblock”he said.

Later he assured that he managed to group “The best part of Together for Change and Freedom Advances” By 2025, “populist Kirchnerism will be history,” he said.

Javier Milei defended Santiago Caputo and assured that he is part of the “iron triangle” of his administration

At another point in the interview, the President defended the management of the economy and stressed that “The wholesale inflation rate, which was 54% monthly in December, is now around 3%.” “This means that, if we also look at the 2.5% inflation that is imported, the inflation that the Argentine macroeconomy is generating today is 0.5%. This means that Argentina, which was travelling at an annual inflation rate of 17 thousand percent, is now travelling at 5 or 6 percent,” he said.

“If that’s not management, I don’t know what it’s called,” he said. Milei and took the opportunity to highlight the role of his advisor Santiago Caputo, whom he considered “a friend” that integrates “the iron triangle” which they compose together with their sister Karina ThousandandYo.

Faced with the criticisms expressed by Macri, the head of State denied that Caputo is concentrating “too much power.” “It is false,” he said, decisively. And he went on to say: “They are using him to create the figure of the black monk. People should not believe the pretense. The figure of the black monk is a figure they create to attack me indirectly. Since they do not have the guts to confront me directly and do not want to show people that, then they attack him or my sister. In reality, those who do that are cowards, because they do not want to confront me, because they know that he will lose.”

Javier Milei defended the veto of the pension reform and stated that pensions are beating inflation

The President also referred to the veto that he will promulgate on the pension reform law approved by Congress and to ensure that pensions are beating inflation. “Pensions during Alberto Fernández’s government at their peak fell by 40%. Now 5% up from when we took over. “We beat inflation. Retirees regained purchasing power in dollars,” he said.

Despite the figure cited by Milei, the data was denied by Center for Political Economy (CEPA) which in a report showed that retirees did not beat inflation: “Pensions without bonuses in the September-November 2024 quarter will remain 4.6% below the same quarter in 2023, while pensions with bonuses would be 13.6% below,” they detailed.

Javier Milei referred to the complaint of gender violence against Alberto Fernández

Milei He harshly attacked the former president Alberto Fernandez, warning that it seems “aberrant” to him complaint for gender violence against him filed by his ex-partner Fabiola Yanez, considered that “deserves the worst punishment” and he assured that it is a crime “typical of the Kirchnerists.”

“It seems to me to be something aberrant, typical of the Kirchnerists,” said Milei. on the situation of Alberto Fernandez, while he assured that the fact “has a lot of aggravating factors.” “It has the aggravating factor of being the couple, of the position, of the physical difference. It is an aberration. “He deserves the worst punishment,” he warned in an interview with La Nación+ and broadcast on Sunday.

“It started with an investigation into corruption that we carried out. From there, a problem of gender violence appeared,” he added. Along the same lines, he continued to criticize Kirchnerism by saying: “After that, they are the great defenders of the flags of the genre.”

News in development-.

Source: Ambito

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