Employment, salaries and ties in the work environment: what is valued more, economic security or mental health?

Employment, salaries and ties in the work environment: what is valued more, economic security or mental health?

In recent years there has been a change in people’s priorities in relation to their work. the pandemic It only strengthened the topic and put two fundamental issues at the center of the scene: economic security and wageson the one hand. From the other, mental health and human relations in the workplace. From there derived a report carried out among employees in a dependency relationship, who gave their opinion on their preferences when imagining an “ideal place” to carry out their activities.

According to a survey carried out jointly by IDEA, INECO and PUNTUAL among more than 600 people, the main thing is the balance with personal life and the quality of ties. That is to say, today the valuation of the emotional and mental prevails over the economic and metarial.

Employment: what weighs more, economic security or mental well-being?

The result of the work titled “Well-being and emotional and mental health at work post-pandemic” showed several interesting aspects regarding the desires and tastes of employees, when thinking about a place to develop in the world of work.

According to the work carried out, 82% of employees considered that the assessment of emotional and mental health had a very significant or total change after the pandemic.

In addition, the appreciation of aspects such as the balance between personal life and work grew (80%); the quality of interpersonal ties (75%); job satisfaction (72%) and sleep quality (70%).

“These results allow us to put the issue on the table. Our objective is to generate valuable information about emotional and mental health in the world of work, a topic that has become key within the business agenda,” highlighted Luciana Paoletti, Content and Health Manager. IDEA Communications.

Asked about the relevance of certain variables linked to work, 89% of respondents indicated that the value they assign to time flexibility increased greatly or completely.

human resources employment


Other aspects mentioned were a safe and healthy work environment (83%); the possibility of working remotely (82%); have a work schedule that does not saturate energy (76%); having a good leader (72%) and the relationship between effort and compensation (71%).

“The importance that people give to their emotional well-being has changed significantly after the pandemic. Today, many seek to avoid working in environments that put their mental health at risk.

More and more companies are consulting us to promote work environments that favor the emotional well-being of their collaborators, reducing stress levels and taking care of the health of their main capital, which is people,” said María Roca, director of INECO Organizations.

For 94% of those surveyed, the main factor that affects their decision to leave a job is a good work environment. This aspect was valued more than economic security, which was also highly considered and came in second place with 92% of the responses.

On the other hand, 37% of those surveyed said they had seriously considered quitting their job for emotional and mental health reasons after the pandemic.

“Post pandemic, we continue to perceive something different in the consultations with people and teams. We celebrate this possibility of being able to add data and understanding to so much observed change,” highlighted Marité Pereda, founder and director of PUNTUAL.

Changes in priorities in the world of work were accompanied by organizational policies. 66% of employees considered that there was a very significant or total change in their companies in terms of the relevance of emotional and mental health.

Meanwhile, 63% indicated that there was a change in concern about generating a healthy work culture and 46% highlighted that benefits linked to emotional and mental health for employees were implemented.

The survey was designed in collaboration between the IDEA, INECO and Puntual teams and was carried out among 629 people employed between June and July of this year.

The majority of respondents belong to the age range of between 31 and 40 years (26%) and between 41 and 50 years (37%). More than half have tertiary or university studies and 65% of the sample are women.

Source: Ambito

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