Paritarias: construction agreed to an increase of 12.48% with an extraordinary bonus

Paritarias: construction agreed to an increase of 12.48% with an extraordinary bonus

The driving of the Union of Construction and Related Employees of the Argentine Republic (UECARA) was able to agree on a 12.48% salary increase for the last quarter of the year. Himself is divided into three partsand impacts the salaries of October, November and December.

They also reconciled, in addition to this, a extraordinary bonus of $150,000 that will be paid, such as increases, in three installments of $50,000. Additionally, a bipartite commission for the review of current agreements.

The negotiations to reach these agreements were developed between the joint members of UECARA and the representatives of the CArgentine Chamber of Construction (CAMARCO), in addition to the Argentine Federation of Construction Entities (FAEC). The measure benefits workers under the collective bargaining agreement 660/13.

For its part, the union organization expressed its satisfaction with the agreement “because allows you to maintain purchasing power of salaries” and warned that if inflationary levels continue downwards “it will allow us to recover purchasing power” in the activity.

Likewise, this review of the 2024-2025 joint It will be valid until December 31as agreed. They will meet again on December 20 to evaluate the inflationary situation and the impact on wages.


UECARA got the increases and the extraordinary bonus.

Guild World

How the increase and bonus are applied

According to the parties, the salary increase is applied in the following way:

  • October: 4% on the basic salaries in force as of September 30.
  • November: 4% on basic salaries updated with the October increase.
  • December: 4% on basic salaries already increased in October and November.

Although it is true that the percentages added together give 12% without commas, since they are cumulative improvements they reach the 12.48 percent. For its part, the extraordinary bonus will be applied in three equal parts, granting $50,000 each month.

Furthermore, as they indicate, in the event that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) exceeds the increase, the corresponding adjustment will be made.

How were the salaries

The workers affiliated with UECARA are divided into zones: The Center (CABA, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Mendoza, San Juan and San Luis), the North (Jujuy, Salta, Formosa, Catamarca, Tucumán, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Ríos), the North Patagonian Unfavorable (La Pampa, Neuquén and Río Negro), the Southern Patagonia Unfavorable (Chubut and Santa Cruz) and the Southern Patagonian Unfavorable (Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands).

In this way, with all the percentages settled, the basic salary initial for this item is $800,000while those workers from higher categories they grow at $1,300,000.

The values They grow more in those unfavorable areas. Of course, other variants must be added to the amounts such as presenteeism and seniorityamong others.

Source: Ambito

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