What is SIBO? the very difficult illness that Floppy Tesouro faces

What is SIBO? the very difficult illness that Floppy Tesouro faces

The body often sends signals that should not be ignored. In the case of Floppy Treasure, television model and figurethose signs were painful abdominal episodes that led her to seek medical help. Your diagnosis: SIBO, a disorder that requires specialized care and treatment to avoid complications.

This condition is more common than is believed and can cause intense and persistent symptoms. In this note, we review Tesouro’s experience and tell you how to identify this condition that can be confused with other digestive problems.

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The television star was diagnosed with bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine

Floppy Tesouro and his bad moment with SIBO

The model and actress recently shared how she came to be diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), a condition that surprised her while she was already facing another dietary restriction: celiac disease “I was detected with SIBO and I think it is important to communicate it,” she confessed in an interview, visibly affected by the impact that this disease has on her daily life.

The symptoms began with severe abdominal pain, so much so that “I doubled over in pain”, he recounted. The swelling was so pronounced that, in her words, it looked like she was pregnant. Given the intensity of the episodes, she decided to consult her doctor, who recommended a specific test to detect SIBO. The result was positive.

The result of the study brought with it a rigorous treatment, which includes antibiotics and a strict diet. “I’m going to have to eat more meat, chicken and pumpkin. There are foods that, although they do not have gluten, I cannot consume either,” explained Tesouro, evidencing the difficulties of adapting to a new eating routine while already following a gluten-free diet due to her celiac disease.

Despite the challenges, Floppy maintains a positive attitude and is determined to improve. “The treatment lasts two weeks and then I will see the steps to follow with the doctors”, he commented. Her experience underscores the importance of listening to your body and acting quickly when something doesn’t seem right.

How to know if I have SIBO

SIBO can be difficult to identify because its symptoms are easily confused with other digestive problems. Among the most common are the abdominal bloating, excessive gas, stomach painldiarrhea or constipation. According to specialists, these signs usually intensify at the end of the day or after consuming certain foods.

This condition occurs when bacteriawhich normally reside in the large intestine, They proliferate in the small intestine. This may be due to factors such as alterations in intestinal motility, prolonged use of certain medications or conditions such as celiac disease. The only way to confirm the diagnosis is through specific tests performed by a health professional.

SIBO treatment combines medications, such as antibiotics, with dietary changes. This approach helps reduce bacterial growth and relieve symptoms. However, specialists warn about the dangers of self-diagnosis and emphasize the need to seek medical attention for any persistent discomfort.

Source: Ambito

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