City arrested a Buenos Aires police officer for “connivance” with the escaped prisoners

City arrested a Buenos Aires police officer for “connivance” with the escaped prisoners

“The uniform does not get stained”expressed the Minister of Security, Waldo Wolff, in a statement in which he announced the arrest of the member of the Buenos Aires force. “Just as we support the vast majority of our police officers who risk their lives every day, We are implacable with those who tarnish the institution by using our uniform to commit crimes.“, said.

Then, he specified that “a chain of collusion” was found in one of the escapes and confirmed that due to the fact “There is already a ‘police’ detained, and we will continue investigating until the final consequences.”

They arrested a Buenos Aires police officer for the escape of prisoners in the City

Next, Wolff highlighted “the actions of the force, especially the Performance area”, who managed to identify the chain of collusion, “for defending the honor that our uniform entails by investigating and bringing to justice those who defraud the trust public”.

“He who betrays the uniform, prisoner”closed the head of the Security portfolio, the flank of criticism for the successive leaks that occurred throughout the year. Since the current administration took office, prisoner escapes have occurred on at least four occasions.

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This Sunday two more prisoners will escape from a mayor’s office in Pompeii, after heLast week, eleven other detainees escaped from another Police building. City in Barracas.

The leak that occurred in the last few hours occurred in the Center for Contraventists of Nueva Pompeyawhere detainees are housed for up to 90 days. The two subjects they fled of the place forcing a gate. One of them, Dilson Eduardo Polanco Muñoz (35), He was arrested this Monday in Paraguay. Your companion on the run, Darlin Javier Polanco Aguero (32), is still a fugitive.

City fired two key security officials over prisoner escapes

With the new leak that occurred this Sunday, The City decided to move forward with two officials. The Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Waldo Wolff, announced the dismissal of his portfolio advisor, Sebastian Vela, and the director of the Alcaidías of the Buenos Aires force, chief commissioner Adrian Ochoa.

“After the leaks in Barracks and the Offenders Center “I made the decision to fire the civilian head of the Ministry along with the director of the City Police Wardens beyond the corresponding ongoing investigation,” Wolff indicated in his X account.

On November 23, another eleven prisoners fled from Alcaidía 4 Bis in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Barracks. The escape It came through the roofs of the police station. Two of the prisoners were arrested during the same day and a third was arrested 48 hours later, while the rest remain at large.

Last August, others four detainees escaped during the early morning of the annex of the Alcaidía 4 in Nueva Pompeyawhile in April, two prisoners filed bars and fled through the window of the warden of Neighborhood Police Station 12 C in Villa Urquiza.

Source: Ambito

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