2 days left: what is the first long holiday of December 2024 in Argentina due to?

2 days left: what is the first long holiday of December 2024 in Argentina due to?

December 4, 2024 – 08:30

The December holidays allow you to take advantage of the rest and enjoy the end of year season.


December begins with a long-awaited long holidaymarked by the founding anniversary of Punta Indio. This date is not only special for the town, but also begins a series of non-working days that are celebrated nationwide. Discover why the Friday December 6 It will be a day of rest for many and what other important dates this month brings.

Who has a holiday on Friday, December 6, 2024

December 6 is a day of rest for the inhabitants of Punta Indio, in the province of Buenos Aires, due to the founding anniversary of the municipality. This holiday has local importance, as it commemorates the history and development of the town, and is a significant date for residents who celebrate their identity and traditions.

The celebrations usually include cultural events, outdoor activities and moments of meeting between the inhabitants, which makes this day both of rest and of community celebration.

What national holidays does December have?

At the national level, December is characterized by two important holidays. In addition to December 6, Argentines celebrate the 8th, Virgin’s Daywhich marks a religious holiday, and the 25Christmas. In total, this month has three key holidays, providing several opportunities to enjoy free time, whether relaxing at home or participating in celebrations and events.

Source: Ambito

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