Step by step: how to clean soot from the wall

Step by step: how to clean soot from the wall

Soot is a fine black or brown powder which is generated as a result of incomplete combustion of materials such as wood, oil, plastics and household waste. It’s very find behind appliances like an oven or air fryerbut they are not pretty. To keep the kitchen impeccable it is important clean it constantly.

Luckily there is a cleaning trick that will make it disappear in a way easy and fast. It is recommended to repeat this procedure once every two months. I know the step by step.

woman cleaning wall dirty stain

How to clean soot from the wall


  • Detergent
  • Medium grit sandpaper
  • Stain blocking product


  1. Put detergent on the wall
  2. Rinse with water and let dry
  3. Sand the surface with sandpaper
  4. Remove dust with a damp cloth
  5. Place stain blocking product on the stained surface (can be done with a roller)
  6. Leave it on for 45 minutes

Source: Ambito

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