X-ray of the Buenos Aires army of La Libertad Avanza

X-ray of the Buenos Aires army of La Libertad Avanza

The idea, then, is to expand the political force, add militancy and strengthen the territorial structure in the province to confront Peronism and gain legislative weight. The main person in charge of this expansion task is the national undersecretary of Socio-urban Integration and president of the force in the province of Buenos Aires, Sebastian Pareja.

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Sebastián Pareja, president of LLA of Buenos Aires.

Milei’s party does not have its own mayors in any of the 135 Buenos Aires municipalities, but it is represented in the Legislature (13 deputies led by Agustín Romoa key figure in Government communication; and 4 senators with Carlos Curestis as a boss and an ally) and in various deliberative councils. Pareja’s challenge will be to generate more political muscle in the districts of the province and strengthen local leaders by 2025.

The arming

To carry out this task, a political table was created that leads Couple and include the Buenos Aires deputy and INPROTUR coordinator, Alejandro Carrancio; the Undersecretary of Relations with Municipalities, Gonzalo Cabezas; the Parlasur deputy, Miriam Niveyro; the national director of Relations with Municipalities, Juan Osaba; the reference of Malvinas Argentinas, Luciano Olivera; the Buenos Aires senator Esteban Echeverría, Carlos Curestis; and the Renaper official and Saladillo leader, Geraldine Calvella.

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Buenos Aires deputy and INPROTUR coordinator Alejandro Carrancio

The Buenos Aires deputy and INPROTUR coordinator Alejandro Carrancio

LLA also has coordinators in the 135 municipalities and references in the eight sections. The sectional leaders are the leader of Moreno, Ramon Vera (First section); the head of the Anses in San Pedro, Analia Corvino (Second); the leaders Fabricio Martínezwho directed Milei’s security in the last campaign, and Osaba (Tercera); the head of Anses in Trenque Lauquen, Gustavo Boriesand the Head of Regional III of Anses based in Chivilcoy, Leandro Cabrera (Quarter).

Also, the provincial deputy of Mar del Plata Gaston Abonjo (Fifth); the lawyer and leader of the Bahía Blanca Rural Society Franca Grippo Harrington and the lawyer and former Enacom official, Paula Fernandez (Sixth); the leader of Tapalqué and Legal Undersecretary of the Legal and Administrative Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, Alejandro Speroni (Seventh) and the Prosecretary of Citizen Participation in Deputies of the Province Matías de Urraza (Octave).

Each of the eight sections holds a meeting every 15 days. In addition, Pareja leads a monthly meeting with the sectional heads and another bimonthly meeting between the coordinators and the political table.

“Each local coordinator has the obligation to convene to district work tables, the actors of the political and social life of each community to give them volume because many of the 2025 and 2027 candidates will come from there,” they specify.

The groups and the school

As a complement to this traditional militancy and territorial work, different groups were launched within La Libertad Avanza: San Martín, Carlos Menem, Juan Bautista, Julio Argentino and Libertarios Unidosare some of them and, little by little, they begin to establish communicating vessels with each other.

In turn, it is added to that structure the School of Training, Debate and Political Analysis (EFDAP)an organization that seeks to promote new leadership, assemble technical teams and contribute to the training of political cadres “of all those who want to join this powerhouse of thought based on freedom.”

School of Training, Debate and Political Analysis (EFDAP)

Members of the School of Training, Debate and Political Analysis (EFDAP).

Members of the School of Training, Debate and Political Analysis (EFDAP).

School of Training, Debate and Political Analysis (EFDAP)

The School works to design public policies that in 2027 allow us to provide the future governor of Buenos Aires with the best management tools“, they detail in LLA and highlight that there is already a board of directors in 122 of the 135 districts of the Buenos Aires territory. The EFDAP was also formed in the provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén.

The School also has an executive committee that, as described by the libertarian shipowners, is made up of “a group of eight notables in different topics: lawyers with postgraduate degrees, journalists, specialists in urban planning or natural resources, security experts who They are available to any councilor, deputy, provincial or national senator, or local coordinator for consultation on any topic.”.

“This committee has the mission of providing concrete answers to be implemented in the territory. From that space, bills and ordinances emerged.as well as a platform on which work is being done to achieve simplification of procedures,” they point out.

They maintain that “it started as a place to receive professionals and technicians who perhaps did not like political activity, and ended up being a place of reference for leaders on specific topics” and add that the different lines of work carried out at the School will be those that will be offered to the electorate in 2025.

The schools, the forum and the centers

There is also an incipient libertarian university arm: “Create + Freedom”. “Another line of work is carried out in the different faculties of the province. “We want to conquer more student centers,” say the representatives consulted. These are right-wing student groups with a presence in national universities such as Quilmes, La Plata, Lanús, Lomas de Zamora, San Martín and Mar del Plata

On the other hand, La Libertad Avanza began to have an impact on the professional colleges of the province of Buenos Aires through the group “La Púrpura”. There are already structures in San Isidro, Lomas de Zamora, Quilmes, Olavarría and Magdalena.

“We started with lawyers, we are with auctioneers, doctors and many professionals are joining. We have already won the Superior Council of Buenos Aires Engineers with 80%. Wherever there are places where power is discussed, we will be present“, they indicate.

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Martín Menem, Karina Milei and Sebastián Pareja.

Martín Menem, Karina Milei and Sebastián Pareja.

In parallel, there is the Alberdian International Forum (FAI)the international leg of the space in the province, whose mission is to “position Argentine liberalism on the international stage and consolidate strategic alliances in Latin America” and seeks to be the other side of the São Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group. It was launched in the National Congress and a few weeks ago in the San Pablo Legislature, where Preja, Niveyro and Carrancio were present.

The sub 35

The party is also betting on a new generation of leaders under 35, a group of professionals who make up the LLA technical teams, among whom are the councilor of Maipú, Emiliano Albaitero; the head of the ANSES office in Balcarce, Martin Ignacio Capeccio; head of the UDAI ANSES in Chivilcoy, Nicolas Felice; the head of the UDAI ANSES in Los Toldos, Fabian Augustine; the head of PAMI in Carlos Tejedor, Ignacio Grego.

It is not ruled out that new candidates may emerge among them who represent the future of the space: “Young people are the future of LLA. They are all under 35 years old and are professionals. They will surely be at the top of the list next year,” they say.

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Alliance policies

“Anyone who wants to work for the ideas of freedom is welcome, no one is excluded except members of the caste, who historically lived off the State for personal benefit,” they state in the purple rows.

However, in space they do not believe it is necessary to make alliances with the PRO in view of the mid-term elections.. “The objective for 2025 is not to win the province, but to reach the greatest number of deputies for the province,” they explain.

The position is different when they refer to the 2027 elections. “We want to govern PBA, even with agreements,” they say and add that, when the time comes, all options will be put on the table and the candidate will be defined based on who is best. measure in surveys. “It could be José Luis Espert, Karina Milei, Diego Santilli or Patricia Bullrich”they graph.

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La Libertad Avanza is preparing to compete in the country's main electoral district.

La Libertad Avanza is preparing to compete in the country’s main electoral district.

They estimate in LLA that the names on the lists will emerge from the local tables seeking to make them conform to “the greatest political volume.” “If we reach closure with the names agreed upon in the districts, Karina will finish giving her approval and will accompany,” the libertarians define, making it clear that “The Boss” is the one who will have the final decision.

With this scheme, La Libertad Avanza seeks to consolidate a robust party, with territorial anchoring and the ability to compete for relevant spaces. The Buenos Aires army is a fundamental piece of the ambitious power project by Javier Milei.

Source: Ambito

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