The government of Javier Milei modified the procedure to obtain the professional registration of vehicles: what are the changes

The government of Javier Milei modified the procedure to obtain the professional registration of vehicles: what are the changes

The Government continues its plan economic deregulation and debureaucratization and, through Resolution 59/2024 of the Ministry of Transportation, established the annulment of the rules that governed the training of motor vehicle transportation drivers under national jurisdiction. As detailed, the measure aims to promote a “new transportation scheme characterized by free entry to the activity, freedom of contract and limited state intervention to provide a service in conditions of efficiency and safety”.

In detail, Resolution 16/1995 and Resolution 984/2006 were repealed, which granted the exclusive power of the Association for the Education and Training of Passenger Transport Workers for the delivery of Training and Professional Education Courses for Passenger Transport Drivers. The measure became effective after publication in the Official Gazette with the signature of the Secretary of Transportation, Franco Mogetta.

The Government deregulated the exclusivity for the training of public transport drivers

As detailed in the Resolution, the measure follows the guidelines established in the Necessity and Urgency Decree 70/2023. “In this sense, a broad program to transform the national transportation system has been launched, aimed at to rationalize the offer of services, expand investments and reduce costs, with the perspective of contributing to the increase of competitiveness of the economy and the improvement of the quality of services“, details the regulations.

In this way, the Government assured that in this way “a new transportation scheme is promoted characterized by free entry to the activity, freedom of contract and state intervention limited to providing a service in conditions of efficiency and safety“. Thus, the Resolution seeks to “provide the transportation system with flexible tools that allow the maximum opening of the activity and the possibility that the training and professional development of motor vehicle transport drivers is provided by any private provider suitable for this purpose.thus allowing a wide plurality of providers in order to raise quality standards in terms of training.”

Thus, the Government resolved to repeal “resolution 16 of August 2, 1995 of the Secretariat of Transportation of the then Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services and resolution 984 of December 21, 2006 of the Secretariat of Transportation of the then Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services”. Since its publication in the Official Gazette, the exclusivity of the Association for the Education and Training of Passenger Transport Workers for the delivery of Training and Professional Training Courses for Passenger Transport Drivers.

Furthermore, the Resolution gave intervention to the National Road Safety Agency “in order to adapt its regulatory framework to the provisions of this resolution.” Along these lines, the agency must review and adjust the current regulatory framework. This body will continue to be in charge of supervising the safety and training of drivers, within the framework of the National Driver’s License System for Interjurisdictional Transportation.

The government of Javier Milei regulated the deregulation of automotive passenger transport

The new provision of the Ministry of Transportation continues the path of deregulation of automotive passenger transportation services. Last week, such as Ámbito anticipatedthe Government regulated the deregulation of this activity through Resolution 57/2024 published in the Official Gazette.

In detail, article 1 of the standard states: “The REGULATORY STANDARDS FOR THE PROVISION OF PASSENGER MOTOR TRANSPORT SERVICES OF NATIONAL JURISDICTION OF URBAN, SUBURBAN AND INTERJURISDICTIONAL NATURE are approved, which as an annex (IF-2024-134142737-APN-SSTAU #MEC) is an integral part of this resolution.”

Meanwhile, article 2 details: “The ‘NATIONAL REGISTRY OF INTERJURISDICTIONAL PASSENGER TRANSPORT BY MOTOR’ and the “NATIONAL REGISTRY OF URBAN AND SUBURBAN MOTOR PASSENGER TRANSPORT” are unified in the “NATIONAL REGISTRY OF PASSENGER MOTOR TRANSPORT” “, in accordance with the provisions of the decree 883 of October 4, 2024”.

“Transporters registered in the “NATIONAL REGISTRY OF PASSENGER MOTOR TRANSPORTATION” are authorized to carry out occasional closed circuit services of an international nature, in accordance with the specific regulations established for this category of services”, indicates in article 4.

Thus, the processes of deregulation of long and medium distance passenger automobile transportationas free offer contemplated in decrees 883/2024 and 830/2024 respectively, with central modifications that will provide improvements to the sector. “A regime that is more than 30 years old is modernized with a closed system, rigid permits and excessive bureaucracymoving to a system simple, declarative, free, digital and that maintains the current technical and safety standards,” reported the Government from the Transportation portfolio.

The Minister of Deregulation and Transformation of the State, Federico Sturzenegger, celebrated the measure through his official X account: “To those who have large or small vehicles (with insurance and approved vehicle inspection), We invite you to become passenger transportation providers. Decree 883/24 had freed interjurisdictional traffic as well as airport connections, giving absolute freedom to operate, choose vehicles, schedules and routes.”

After the regulation, transporters will register online and free of charge through the Remote Procedures web platform (TAD), where they must provide relevant and updated information on the services. Along these same lines, the Government will unify all records under one only National Registry of Automotive Passenger Transportation (RNTAP).

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The procedure is now available from December 11 of the current and is mandatory for the provision of automotive passenger transportation services and will have character of Affidavit (DDJJ). The registered email will be the one to which the relevant notifications will arrive during the process

“We hope that with this new regulation all operators in the sector can work in total freedom, competing with each other, and with the flexibility that current times demand. We thus take one more step to implement the economic freedom agenda that the president asks of us. @JMilei. VLLC!” Sturzenegger said.

Source: Ambito

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