ATN: the Government was left with a fund of almost $680,000 million that could be shared with the provinces

ATN: the Government was left with a fund of almost 0,000 million that could be shared with the provinces

The Government provided this type of aid to the provinces for only $50,000 million. The governors had asked Milei to distribute that money to support Budget 2025.


He The Government distributed only 7.3% in 2024 of the mass of resources that accumulated throughout the year to finance Contributions from the National Treasury (ATN)which are aid to provinces that is delivered at the discretion of the Executive Branch.

Throughout 2024, the Government accumulated $679,898 million from 1% of tax sharing and, of them, only distributed $49.8 billion among just 10 provinces. The ATN Fund reached the highest level since 2017 last year.

It should be remembered that one of the claims of governors to support the 2025 Budget project was for the federal government to distribute that money in compensation for the 70% cut in non-discretionary transfers.


Misiones concentrated the largest portion, with $13,000 million, followed later by Entre Ríos, with $6.8 billion, and Tucumán, with $6.5 billion. “The impact of the ATNs on the provinces that received them were diverse: in Misiones and Chubut they represented just over 50% of the total non-automatic transfers received in the year; while, in Santa Cruz, Santa Fe and Corrientes, they did not reach 10%,” states the report from the consulting firm Politikon Chaco.

Other provinces that received aid were Salta, with $6,000 million; Jujuy and Chubut, $4.5 billion; Catamarca and Santa Cruz, $3,000 million; Santa Fe, $1,500 million and Corrientes, $1,000 million.

Total transfers for all concepts in 2024

In 2024, the total of non-automatic transfers to provinces and the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), which include ATN and other concepts, totaled $1.6 trillion in the accrual stage and $1.44 billion in the paid stage.

“These figures are equivalent to a annual decrease of 75.3% and 76% respectively in real terms. It’s about the level of transfers lowest in at least 20 years,” the study notes.

Politikon Chaco indicates that, “comparing the shipments of 2024 against those of the period from 2004 onwards, it shows drops of more than 60% in real terms in all cases.”

Source: Ambito

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