ARCA staff may have up to 50% monthly “extra income”

ARCA staff may have up to 50% monthly “extra income”

Although the national government decided to make a strong adjustment in the salaries of the senior staff of the Customs Collection and Control Agency, it also allowed that from subdirectories down the scale, employees can have a supplementary income of up to 50% through what is called a Hierarchy Account.

This is determined by decree 13/2025 that was announced on Monday night, as announced by the presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni. In it article 6 it is pointed out that “will participate in the distribution” of the benefit, which allows employees to be “hooked” on a part of the collection, the “deputy directors and other personnel” including contracted and temporary employees, as well as seconded or relocated ARCA employees.

The Hierarchy Account (AFIP) is funded by 0.65% of tax collection as established in January 2024, when the new administration took office. This implies that this year he would have raised about $851,500 to distribute among 18,000 employees who remained at ARCA. That gives reason for almost $4 million per month per employee, if it were all distributed.

The ARCA regulatory framework established by the decree “empowers the Ministry of Economy, with the intervention of the Technical Advisory Commission on Salary Policy of the Public Sectorto set differential weighting coefficients, which in no case may exceed 1.50 of the respective remuneration base.”

In other words, if All remuneration concepts are taken from each ARCA employee, current Luis Caputo could have a salary supplement of up to 50% than what you currently perceive.

The AFIP ranking account It had been created by Domíngo Cavallo in 2001 during his time as Minister of Economy in the government of Fernando De la Rúa. It started in 2002, financing with 2.75% of the collection. Since then the percentage has been modified several times. In 2018 the rate was drastically reduced to 0.60% and in 2022 it was raised to 0.67%.


This year, at the start of the government while the Federal Administrator of Public Revenues (AFIP), Florencia Misrahi, was the government, the government announced that the benefit was withdrawn from the senior staff of the then collection agency. This saved some $30 million, which seems insignificant considering the large mass of resources to be distributed.

The announcement in January of this year seemed to say that that benefit was going to be completely eliminated, but dFrom the unions that act within the organization of Hipólito Yrigoyen Street they remained calmbecause they understood that it was not going to reach the staff in general. And it was like that.

chen it startedon account of hierarchy, the encouragement of employees to wait to supervise better and collect more It made sense, because at that time a large part of the procedures were done in person, or were quasi-digital.

But currently, The ARCA server practically allows you to accept almost all procedures virtually. Some Tax experts consider that only between 4% and 5% of regular tax collection requires any employee participation. And that is when ARCA has to initiate some collection action.

But in reality, Almost all the income of the new collection agency is resolved by “self-assessment.” The taxpayer interacts with the system, which determines the tax to be settled and pays, without anyone being on the other side.

Source: Ambito

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