The governor of Córdoba, Martin Llaryora, promulgated this Monday the law of Clean Sheetwhich was approved by the Legislature on December 27 with broad support from both the ruling party and the opposition.
The initiative had 65 votes and prevents people with a second-instance judicial conviction from being candidates for elective positions or positions in the Executive.
What the Córdoba Clean Record law says
“Persons sentenced to effective execution deprivation of liberty or to principal or accessory disqualification, for intentional crimes of any nature, cannot be candidates for provincial, municipal or communal elective public positions, or for party positions,” expresses the text that bears the signature of the provincial leader.
The law adds that the measure covers crimes provided for in the National Penal Code or in special laws, by virtue of sentences issued by courts of the Judicial Branch of the province of Córdoba, by National, Federal Courts or courts of other provinces.
In this way, the project that emerged from three initiatives presented by legislators from different blocks and after a broad debate in the search for consensus comes into force.
The day after its approval in the Legislature, Governor Llaryora spoke on the social network X (formerly Twitter), where he expressed: “Córdoba has its Clean Record law! I send my congratulations to the legislators of Córdoba for the sanction of the Clean Record law in our province. I also want to recognize the work of Gastón Marra in promoting this initiative in our country” .
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“The superseding project,” he continues, “which was sanctioned in Córdoba, prevents people convicted in the second instance of intentional crimes with custodial sentences from being candidates for elective positions or exercising public functions.”
“This standard promotes ethics, transparency and guarantees that those who aspire to public service meet the highest standards of integrity. The approval of the Clean Record law is the result of dialogue, collaboration and consensus between different political forces, showing that in Córdoba we can work together beyond partisan differences. In this way, our province leads the way towards a more fair, honest and representative politics. “An achievement for all the people of Córdoba!” concluded the governor.
The final text includes the proposals of Brenda Austin (UCR) and Julieta Rinaldi, Victoria Busso, Maria del Rosario Acevedo and Ileana Quaglino (We Make United for Córdoba) and modifies articles of Law No. 9,571, Provincial Electoral Code, and Law No. 9,572, Legal Regime of Political Parties.
Precisely, the approval of the project was part of a negotiation between the Llaryora administration and the opposition, which provided key votes for the governor to have the Budget and the fiscal package for this year.
Clean record in provinces and national debate
As he told Scopeafter the fall of the session in the national Chamber of Deputies that the Clean File was intended to discuss and in the midst of the scandal with the former senator Edgardo Kueidervarious provinces made the decision to move forward with their own proposals in that regard.
So, for example, Córdoba gave the green light to its own legislation, as did Río Negro. Other districts, which already had regulations in this regard, expanded it to cover sentences of different types, as happened in Chubut.
On the contrary, in the City of Buenos Aires, the head of Government, Jorge Macri, He tried to approve his own project but did not obtain the approval of the Legislature. Although the proposal obtained 39 affirmative votes and 21 negative votes, it needed 40 green lights to be approved. For that reason, it fell into disuse for a while.
On the national stage, the Government made official the call for extraordinary sessions between January 20 and February 21 and included a Clean Record bill on the agenda.
Specifically, the most interested in moving forward with the initiative is the PRO. For this reason, the lack of a quorum to debate it in the Chamber of Deputies, with almost total absences of Peronism and several empty libertarian seats, opened a rift between the yellow troops and La Libertad Avanza. Now, at the Casa Rosada they hope to leave that bad experience behind them during the summer season.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.