In the event of striking symptoms or behavioral changes, it is essential to take your pet to the veterinarian to confirm that it has suffered heat stroke.
Buenos Aires, along with 14 other provinces, are waiting for a heat wave very intense for next week, reaching temperatures of up to 37 degrees in the center of the country. Starting this Monday, yellow alert will be placed and precautions must be taken to take care of ourselves and avoid getting sunstroke or suffering from typical summer discomfort.
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Those who also suffer in these times are ours. petswho do not have the same resources as us to detect heat and protect themselves other than to look for a shaded area and some water to drink. Depending on the type of pet that you have, styles are some tips from veterinarians to take care of them.

How to care for your pet in the heat

Dogs can be very susceptible to heat stroke if they fail to regulate their body temperature properly. Brachycephalic breeds, such as bulldogs and pugsare especially prone to these types of problems, since their narrower airways make efficient panting difficult. To protect them, it is recommended avoid walks during the hottest hours of the day, opting to walk early in the morning or at dusk. Furthermore, they must always have access to fresh and clean waterpreferably placed in various points of the house or garden so that they can drink when they need it.

Cats usually look for cool places to shelter from the heat, such as under furniture or on ceramic surfaces. However, they can also suffer from dehydration or exhaustion in high temperatures. It is essential to maintain your drinking fountains filled with fresh water and distribute several of them in different areas of the house. To keep the water cooler for longer, ice cubes can be added. Furthermore, it is important that they have access to cool surfacessuch as tiles, or to shaded areas where they can relax.
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Birds have a high metabolism and can overheat easilyespecially if they are exposed to the sun. The cage should be placed in a shaded and well-ventilated place, away from windows where the sun can shine directly. It is useful to put small containers with water so they can cool off or bathe. Furthermore, you must avoid prolonged exposure to the sunand if the birds show signs such as spread wings or heavy breathing with the beak open, it may be indicative of excess heat.

Both tortoises and aquatic turtles can become dehydrated or injured if they are exposed to too much sunlight. They must have shaded shelters in their environment and access to clean water to stay hydrated. For aquatic turtles, it is essential control water temperature in ponds or aquariums, since excessive heat can alter their metabolism and well-being.

High ambient temperatures can disturb the balance of the aquariumreducing the oxygen available in the water and causing stress in the fish. It is advisable to monitor the water temperature frequently and adjust the thermostat to keep it in the appropriate range depending on the species. It is also beneficial increase aerationusing additional air pumps to improve water circulation and oxygenation.
Guinea pigs and rabbits

These small pets are very sensitive to heat due to their dense fur and difficulty regulating your body temperature. It is important to provide them with cool surfaces, such as marble tiles or slabswhere they can rest. Additionally, you can offer them fresh, juicy vegetables, such as cucumber or lettuce, to help them stay hydrated during hot days.
winter animals
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Some species and breeds, such as dogs Siberian HuskySaint Bernard, or certain cats like the Maine Coon or the Norwegian Forest, are adapted to cold climates. Their thick fur serves as insulation against both cold and heat. However, this same fur can make it difficult to regulate your temperature in warm environments. Therefore, it is important to keep them in cool, well-ventilated spaces, avoiding exposure to intense heat.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.