Jorge Macri once again rejected an alliance with La Libertad Avanza: “We are not the same”

Jorge Macri once again rejected an alliance with La Libertad Avanza: “We are not the same”

The head of government of the city of Buenos Aires was reluctant to an electoral alliance and remarked: “We must remove the drama from the issue of competing.”

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As negotiations progress between the PRO and La Libertad Avanza To form an electoral alliance for the legislative elections, the head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macridistanced himself from the ruling party, made it clear that the two parties “are not the same” and that he is not seeking to form a coalition: “We must remove drama from the issue of competing”.

The comment of Macri It comes in the midst of growing tension between the different sectors of both parties that are fighting to define whether they will unite or go separately in the legislative elections. Mauricio Macri He was in favor of the coalition with the Government, although other members of his party resist the idea.

“We agree on a lot of things but also we have differences and that has to result in a virtuous competition. We have to remove the drama from the issue of competing,” he declared on LN+.

Last week, the Buenos Aires mayor had already expressed his reluctance to a union with Javier Milei’s party and this Wednesday he reaffirmed that “[La relación] It has chiaroscuros.” “We are a different political space, the PRO is one thing and La Libertad Avanza is another. The PRO has had a very responsible attitude, we supported him from the first moment. I personally voted for Milei. But we are not the same”.

Weeks ago, Macri had announced that the elections in the city of Buenos Aires will be split from the national ones to improve the chances of the ruling party in the Federal Capital. At the political level, the main objective of separating elections is to strengthen the competitiveness of the PRO in the Legislature. The yellow integrate the interblock Let’s go for more together with the Civic Coalition, with 15 seats out of 60. Far from its own quorum, the officialdom must resort more than ever to consensus to achieve the support of the UCR (8) and other allies.

The Government confirmed that there will be no alliance with the PRO in the City of Buenos Aires

However, Javier Milei’s government did not receive this news well. The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, questioned the split and noted that it was “a uninformed attitude“.

“It is a district in which our space appears very well positioned. Clearly the head of government made a calculation that is quite normal in politics. […] So he preferred to separate,” Francos added. “Our party in the City exists, our block of legislators exists and We are going to stand for election. Unfortunately not as a unified force, but competing against the PRO“, he advanced.

Source: Ambito

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