Dollar today: how much it operates at this Thursday, January 16

Dollar today: how much it operates at this Thursday, January 16

He official retail dollar-without taxes- quotes $1,011.65 for purchase now $1,069.36 For sale this Thursday, January 16, 2025. In it Banco Nación, the banknote operates in $1,021.50 for purchase and $1,061.50 for sale.

In the parallel market, the blue dollar Offered at $1,225, according to the survey of Scope in the caves of the city.

On the previous day, the Central Bank (BCRA) bought US$79 million and added eleven consecutive days with a positive balance, in net terms.

However, the gross international reserves They fell for the third round in a row. On this occasion they fell US$89 million to US$30,614 millionfor payments to organizations, according to official sources told this medium.

How much does the official dollar trade at today, Thursday, January 16

In the official exchange market, the wholesale dollar was quoted at $1,042 per unit, $1 above the previous close.

How much is the future dollar trading at today, Thursday, January 16

The future dollar operated with a majority of increases this Wednesday, despite the announcement of the Central Bank (BCRA) that starting in February the “crawling peg” will drop to 1% monthly. The contracts between January and April closed higher, the May contract registered a decrease and the June contract remained stable.

The future dollar rate is being arbitraged with the market rate. I don’t see concern in this increase,” analyst Salvador Di Stéfano told this medium.

For his part, economist Gustavo Ber added that “The reduction in ‘crawling’ had already been quite discounted by the operatorsdespite which I estimate greater convergence towards the 1% rate soon.”

The increases implied that a greater advance in the official dollar is expected for January, of 2.4%, but it left unchanged the average increase for the first semester, 1.5%even above the adjustment sought by the Government.

How much does the blue dollar trade at today, Thursday, January 16

He blue dollar is offered at $1,225, Therefore, the gap is 19%.

How much is offered the MEP dollar today, Thursday, January 16

He MEP dollar operates at $1,166.96, Therefore, the gap with the official figure is 11.99%.

Value of the CCL dollar today, Thursday, January 16

He dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL) is sold at $1,187.90 and the spread with the official one is positioned at 14%.

Price of the dollar card today, Thursday, January 16

He dollar card or touristand the dollar savings (either solidary) operates at $1,379.30.

Quote of the crypto dollar today, Thursday, January 16

He crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar quotes at $1,204.01, according to Bitso.

Bitcoin value today, Thursday, January 16

He Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency on the market, operates at u$s98,839.21, according to Binance.

Source: Ambito

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