“The historical decline is so great that the real value of the minimum wage is already lower than that in force during most of the 1990s and in the final crisis of the convertibility regime, when this policy had been abandoned as a tool to determine wage floors. and promote less wage inequality,” they indicated from the organization of the Central of Argentine Workers (CTA).
Governors will seek to close long agreements with unions
Thus, while electoral uncertainty spreads towards the legislative elections, the provinces are getting ready for the joint battles. Some are even already flirting with scrapping the semi-annual or quarterly agreements that marked 2024 and opening the door to understandings for six or four months.
Mendozafor example, is one of them. In the administration of Alfredo Cornejo They slipped that they will bet on semiannual joint ventures. ““If macro stability allows it, it is the idea with which we will begin negotiations with the unions.”they pointed out from Cuyo when asked about Scope. Same scenario imagined in Missionswhere They are considering the possibility of negotiating every four or six months.
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The governor of Mendoza, Alfredo Cornejo.
At the same time, from a northern province governed by Unión por la Patria (UP) they indicated that they will monitor the situation “month by month.” “We are going to follow the inflation rate very closely,” they detailed, although they made known their willingness to extend the validity of the salary increases. “Last year we had about five or six increases, it was a tremendous imbalance. We hope to be able to normalize it,” they added from a radical administration.
Other jurisdictions, such as Between Riverscommented to this medium that they will maintain the quarterly and sector schemes.
Uncertainty in the province of Buenos Aires
In Buenos Aires territory, meanwhile, there are still no details. Due to lack of agreement in the Legislature, Axel Kicillof He could not have his Budget or his debt law, which clouds the future of finances in the district. Meanwhile, the unions began to press to start the 2025 model negotiations.
This week, The Buenos Aires Teaching Unity Front (FUDB), which brings together the majority of education workers, submitted a request to the provincial government with the aim of bringing together the Technical Salary Commission of the 2025 teacher parity, “in order to update salaries for the month of last December”.
In the FUDB they argued that the request “is made within the framework of the situation of economic adjustment, rate increases and salary cuts driven by the policies of the national government, as well as the deregulation that harms the salaries of workers in the sector.” .
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State joint associations in the province of Buenos Aires.
The same had previously been done by the Federation of State and Private Guilds of the province of Buenos Aires (FEGEPPBA) through a letter sent to the local Minister of Labor, Walter Correa. The Association of State Workers (ATE) and the Union of Civil Personnel of the Nation (UPCN), the two majority unions in the state sector, have not yet expressed themselves on the matter.
In mid-December, the Buenos Aires management received the teaching and state unions, although it did not present a specific offer. The last agreement had taken place in October and contemplated an increase of 8% in two tranches: 4% in October and 4% in November.
The main provincial unions are aligned with the management of Axel Kicillof and understand that the main front is with the Government of Javier Milei. Therefore, they balance numbers and the alliance with the governor to resist the chainsaw plan.
Salta put first
One step further than PBA was Salta, where the government of Gustavo Saenz took the initiative and already held its first meeting with the unions. At the meeting, which took place this Thursday, the Minister of Economy and Public Services, Roberto Dib Ashurpresented the main aspects of Salta finances and the union sectors presented their needs.
“This year, spending accelerated, with a postponed national budget, the withdrawal of funds from the Nation and the slowdown in inflation, but with an orthodox method, which generated recession, difference in relative prices and stagnation of economic activity,” he indicated. Dib Ashur.
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Salta inaugurated the 2025 joint elections.
He also recalled that “the Nation continues to cut state jobs.” “Thirty-three thousand employees were laid off and many other people in the private sector,” the official said.
On Thursday of next week, the Salta government will present a salary proposal.
Río Negro announced that there will be joint state elections on January 30
The general secretary of ATE Nacional, Rodolfo Aguiartraveled to his province and met with Governor Alberto Weretilneck, to agree that there will be joint meetings in the province during the last week of January.
The meeting took place at noon in the city of Cipolletti, lasting more than an hour. Among the different issues they addressed, the priority remained in salary negotiations and the massive layoffs that were generated in the province at the end of 2024.
In this framework, the date of the joint meeting was set for Thursday, January 30. Regarding the 480 dismissals that occurred, a review process will begin for cases that do not have justified cause.

Aguiar, from Rio Negro and with two mandates completed in charge of the provincial leadership of the union, said: “We have managed to open an instance of dialogue that in the salary aspect gives certainty to the workers, especially after the salary freeze in the last quarter of last year.” .
In reference to the joint agreement, the leader indicated that “There are those who try to deny it, but there is still inflation and salaries continue to deteriorate.”
“It is very important that after the massive layoffs that took place at the end of the year, a review process begins. We are a union that never defended the indefensible, but there are numerous cases in which dismissals have been absolutely unjustified, in addition to having impeccable performance evaluations,” he explained.
“Although several topics were reviewed, most of the meeting focused on salaries and layoffs, which are the two priority demands that the union has at this time. Although we do not have the last word to decide on the fight plan that ATE is carrying out in the province, we understand that this instance that has been opened has to be favorably awarded by the next plenary session of general secretaries,” Rodolfo Aguiar concluded.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.