Decree 843/24 redefined the basic requirements to access a non-contributory disability pension. The applicant must be totally and permanently disabled and not have a formal employment relationship or be registered in the current General and/or Simplified Regime.
He considered that the non-contributory pension for disability comes from the concept of work-related disability, understood as the limitation in the capacity to work, or the lack of access to it produced as a consequence of a configured or aggravated health condition, within the framework of the social, geographical and economic vulnerability that prevents the exercise of the rights to food, health care and family protection.
In accordance with the provisions, the National Disability Agencyby Resolution 187/25 (BO 16/1/25), approved a medical scale that contains the guidelines for the analysis of the degree of occupational disability, whichue will be used for medical disability evaluation.
It will apply to any procedure that begins after the signing of the regulation or that has been initiated previously; It will also be applied at the time of their review and/or audit.
- Contribution to the Work Risk Benefits Fund
The Benefit Control Management of the Superintendence of Occupational Risks, for Provision 1/25 (BO 17/1/25), established the value of the fixed sum provided for in art. 5th of the Dto. 590/97 and its amendments and supplements, at $1,172 for the accrual for the month of January 2025 that is paid in February 2025. The same value applies to staff in private homes.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.