ANMAT banned cinnamon from a famous Argentine brand due to lead contamination

ANMAT banned cinnamon from a famous Argentine brand due to lead contamination

The company announced the voluntary recall of the product, and those who have purchased it can request a free replacement. I know the details.

Anmat warned about the possible negative effects of consuming this cinnamon, especially with prolonged exposure.

The National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (Anmat) banned the marketing of a condiment widely used in the kitchen Argentina, the brand’s ground cinnamon “Two Anchors”. This measure was taken after elevated levels of lead were detected in certain batches, which represents a risk to the health of the population.

The affected lots, identified as M270724, M290724 and M270824correspond to containers of 30 grams produced between July and August 2024. From the brand, it was reported that the withdrawal from the market was “voluntary” and that they are replacing the products for consumers.


The brand

The “Dos Anclas” brand reported that the recall from the market was carried out preventively, guaranteeing the replacement of the product.

How was the irregularity detected?

Anmat, in its role of inspecting food products to guarantee their safety, carried out an analysis on the ground cinnamon from “Dos Anclas”. The results revealed the presence of lead particles at higher levels to those permitted by current regulations, which led to the immediate prohibition of the product and its withdrawal from the market.

The agency warned that consumption of this spice could have negative consequences on health, especially in cases of prolonged exposure.

The measures taken by Dos Anclas

In an official statement, the company “Two Anchors” reported that the withdrawal of the affected lots was carried out in a manner “voluntary and preventive”. In addition, they clarified that, due to the usual dose and frequency of consumption of this product, the health risk is low.

The brand also announced that those who own any of the affected lots can call 0800-222-4476 or send an email to [email protected] to arrange free product replacement.

cinnamon two anchors.png

What are the lots affected by the ban?

The lots of ground cinnamon prohibited by Anmat are the following:

  • M270724: Production date July 27, 2024.

  • M290724: Production date July 29, 2024.

  • M270824: Production date August 27, 2024.

Consumers who have any of these products in their possession should avoid consumption and discard them immediately. This measure seeks to preserve the health and well-being of the population.

Source: Ambito

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