Javier Milei’s government implements new changes in the airline sector to comply with international standards

Javier Milei’s government implements new changes in the airline sector to comply with international standards

The Government implemented a series of changes and modifications through resolutions published this Wednesday in the Official Gazette. Through the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC), These measures seek to align with international standards, adjusting the operational structurethe requirements for licenses and ratings, and strengthening operational security.

Resolution 57/2025 introduces significant changes in airworthiness oversight and the evaluation of human factors in air operations.

First of all, the Resolution 57/2025 establishes key modifications in the airworthiness surveillance process and the evaluation of human factors involved in air operations. This measure responds to the need to resolve findings derived from the Operational Safety Surveillance Auditwithin the framework of the program of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

From now on, the Airworthiness Directorate (DA) must incorporate periodic monitoring of airworthiness conditions, not only for national aircraft, but also for those operated by foreign companies that carry out flights in Argentina. Through Resolution 58/2025, fundamental aspects of aeronautical licenses and ratings are modifiedwith the aim of harmonizing certification requirements for aeronautical personnel in accordance with international standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States. Besides, The measure contemplates the implementation of a unification in aircraft type ratingswhich will ensure greater clarity and consistency in the training and evaluation of aeronautical personnel.

Regarding Resolution 59/2025, the ANAC introduces additional modifications in the process of obtaining aeronautical qualifications for the operation of general aviation aircraft, establishing more detailed requirements for exams and certifications that pilots must complete, as well as the requirements for continued training to maintain the suitability of aeronautical personnel. This resolution also contemplates the creation of new categories for flight ratings on different types of aircraft, which will facilitate the updating and classification of licenses.

Argentine Airlines Aeroparque Planes

Resolution 57/2025 introduces significant changes in the monitoring of airworthiness and the evaluation of human factors in air operations.

Mariano Fuchila

The Resolution 60/2025 introduces the implementation of Runway Safety Teams (RST) at the aerodromes of the National Airport System (SNA) to reinforce operational safety. This regulation establishes specific regulations to identify and resolve operational problems on runways, promoting collaboration between airport operators, air traffic providers and representatives of the aeronautical community.

For its part, the Resolution 61/2025 updates the structure of the Airworthiness Directorate (DA), prioritizing technical training and the surveillance of personnel involved in aircraft operations. These measures seek to minimize operational risks and optimize safety in both national and foreign aircraft.

The Resolution 70/2025 establishes a system for unifying ratings by aircraft families, simplifying certification for pilots and crews. Besides, plastic licenses will remain valid for international flights until its renewal, while for operations within the country new digital qualifications will be issued through “My Aeronautical Profile” and the My Argentina app.

For its part, the Resolution 71/2025 updates the requirements to obtain Aeronautical Suitability Certificates, with greater requirements in technical training, psychophysical aptitudes and operational experience. The issuance and digital management of licenses is also available. and authorizations to streamline procedures and improve access to official documentation.

Source: Ambito

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