After the repercussions brought by the speech of Javier Milei in it Davos Economic Forumwhere the president took the opportunity to point against the so -called “Woke Agenda”the government came out to clarify the tone of his words, focused on the fight against what he described as “cultural subversion” of progressivism, under the flags of feminism, climate change and the question of gender.
At Casa Rosada they accused receipt of criticismwhich came from various sectors and even derived in the call to a mobilization for this Saturday, February 1. It was the president himself who used his social networks to explain his speech in Switzerland, the latter text in which his main advisor worked Santiago Caputo.
In Balcarce 50 they unified the speech to go out to answer the questions, based on the premise that Milei “will not chase whoever thinks differently” but “he is against him to look with gender ideology.” This was explained by an official with an official office, in tune with the publication made on Tuesday the first president on Instagram, in which he clarifies his threat of “going to look for until the last corner” to the “left -handed”.
In libertarian management There were those who recalled the discomfort that generated in public opinion the cut to public universities, and compared it with what has been lived these days.
Embed – Javier Milei on Instagram: “Zurdo Dictionary Long Libertad La Libertad”
The fact caused the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adornihis press conferences will resume on Tuesday after 32 days (the last one was on December 26) and dedicated much of his speech to explain what Javier Milei said in Davos. The official took the work of reading in front of the accredited press different criticisms elevated to the president and tried to refute them one by one. In this order, He even clarified that homosexuality does not imply being a pedophile.
“The president defends the election of each of the human beings and the government who does not agree to respect the election of each of the Argentines, in any of their forms, without wearing one right of another one must go , because we respect rajatabla freedom, “said the spokesman.
Official sources pointed to Scope that in the ruling they do not consider that the discourse “has been a mistake”, but admitted that “it may not be understood.” Regarding the mobilization convened in defense of sexual minorities for this Saturday, the same sources affirmed that the march will not be hindered “whenever it is within the margins of the law.”
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Federal Antifascist and LGBITQ+
On Saturday, February 1, we have an appointment with equality, to say no to those who want to restrict our rights
At 4pm we see you in Congress and march to Plaza de Mayo
– Esteban Paulon (@estebanpaulon) January 26, 2025
The Government will closely follow the mobilization of this Saturday
After his controversial speech, Milei received criticism from referents from different opposition sectors as Maximiliano Ferraro, Esteban Paulón, Martín Lousteau, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and even Jorge Macri, who regretted that “new cracks and new fighting reasons” are installed.
The head of the Buenos Aires government remarked: “The law of equal marriage, the law of femicide, the law of trafficking of persons left thanks, among others, to the PRO. They are a city heritage that nobody is going to take us out. I will be defending that position and that look and vision. I love the diversity that the city represents and I love all diversities; I love the most traditional, the most recent conquests. This is a city in which the progress of pride coexists with that of the child to be born. That is our heritage and they will not break it, I will be defending it. ”
It will be in Buenos Aires terrain where the greatest mobilization is expected, although replicas are planned throughout the country. In that sense, in the city government they ensure that they will guarantee the conditions “to be carried out in peace.”
A large number of people are expected to mobilize this Saturday under the slogan ‘Life is at risk, enough! We never return to the closet. ‘ The appointment is scheduled for 16, on a journey that will begin in Congress and has as its point of arrival Plaza de Mayo. The event even It will mark the return of the great workers to social protestsince both the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and the two CTA adhere to the event.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.