Rates: The Government summoned Edenor and Edesur to discuss the increases for the next five years

Rates: The Government summoned Edenor and Edesur to discuss the increases for the next five years

He National Government convened to Edenor and Edesur to one Public Hearing to discuss tariff increases and quality standards of electric service for the next five years.

The call will be held on Thursday, February 27 from 8:30 a.m., live broadcasting public access streaming. Registration will be available from February 10 to 24 via web in the corresponding participants Registryand must comply with all the requirements established there. Completed the requirements and validated by the agency, the record of registration to the declared email (https://www.argentina.gob.ar/enre) will be sent.

In this instance, there will be the participation of representatives of the ENREexecutives of companies, consumer entities and public officials, the Tariff Quinquenal Review (RQT)which will govern from the April 1, 2025 until December 31, 2029.

During the first quarter of the year, the government will continue with Monthly Rate Settingsmaintaining control over regulated energy, transport and water prices to moderate inflation.

On the other hand, the Public audience on energy transport The Tuesday, February 25although its impact on the final invoice is minimal, representing only the 1% of the total. The invitation was formalized through the publication of Resolution 80/2025 in the Official Gazette.

In this way, it was confirmed that the companies that were summoned were: Transener SA, independent carrier of Buenos Aires (TIBA), Yacylec SA, Litoral Transmission Lines (LITSA), Mesopotamian lines Sociedad Anónima (LIMSA), South Argentine Electic Integration Sociedad Anónima (INTESAR), INTERONDES SA, TRANSPORTEL MINERA 2 SA, ENECOR SA, Energy Company of Río Negro Sociedad Anónima (Edersa), and Transacue SA

The new tariff box will be published on March 31, so that they can enter into force as of April 1. However, the Ministry of Energy, María Tettamantihe anticipated that the increases that will apply They must remain below 10% per year for end users, After last year there will be increased from 117.8%.

Source: Ambito

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