Twenty One Pilots closes his visit in Argentina with two shows: the story they tell and joins their albums

Twenty One Pilots closes his visit in Argentina with two shows: the story they tell and joins their albums

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In fact, Twenty One Pilots is one of the few bands that It has a record trilogythat tell a complex story, with characters and narrative arches. The duo, which He had launched his debut and homonym album in 2009, Regional AT best in 2011 and Vessel In 2013, he surprised his fans in 2015, with the publication of Blurryface.

Blurryface, Tank and Clancy, a record trilogy

Twenty One Pilots had ventured into the Rock and punk, mixed with rap and pop. However, that sound was perfected and modernized with Blurryfacean album that not only proposed an aesthetic and sound change, but also a story, with tracks, uncertain places and dark characters. Hits came out of this work as Stressed out, Ride! and Lane boythat earned the duo His first Grammy in 2017 to “Best Pop Duo”.

Embed – Twenty One Pilots: Stressed Out [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Here could meet Blurryface (or “blurred face”), a kind of Alter-Ego of Tyler that represented his fears and insecurities. To embody it, the vocalist painted his neck and black hands. “It is a guy that somehow represents everything that I, and all the people around me, are insecure. We are all insecure about certain things. When I think of my insecurities I feel that they take the best of me and that stifles me, especially with the things I believe and do with my hands”Tyler explained in an interview.

In the album, the character manifests itself in a Severe voice, retouched with effects, so that a difference between this and the singer is set. In 2017 The video clip of Heavydirtysoulthe song that opens the album. In the short film, Tyler is in a car driven by Blurryface, but finally manages to escape and return to the beginning. And when everything seemed to end there, a year later they began to circular unknown web pages, with codes and encrypted messages that hid the concept of the next album, Trench.

Embed – Twenty One Pilots: HeavydirtySoul [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

In 2018 A job was launched that continued with the previous line. In fact, the video of Jumpsuitfirst theme of the album, he takes up where he left Heavydirtysoula direct connection with Blurryface that opened the door to a new world. In TrenchTyler fights a new enemy, Nicoa bishop belonging to a group of nine -is known in the song Nico and The Niners– Who refers to “Nicolás Bourbaki”, a real group of French mathematicians of the twentieth centurythat several bases laid for the management of numbers in the future.

Embed – Twenty One Pilots – Jumpsuit (Official Video)

In this work, we know that this group of bishops Predicate a fictitious religion, called “Road”in a city controlled by themselves and called demand. From Tyler’s lyrics, the clique understood that roads were An extremist religion that applies toxic ideals, in the style of a sect, whose belief was that the only way to paradise was self -destruction. In demand, bishops manipulate people until they are empty and then use them, since they have the power to possess the body of others. We can locate Twenty One Pilots as the “Banditos”a group of rebels living in trenches away from demand and seeks to save people from roads.

At this point in the duo’s career, it could be interpreted that all this great musical universe was a way of expressing the mental struggles that musicians had, their relationship with life, death and meaning. “I love stories, I love to enter perspective. Much of what I write is obviously very personal and something I am dealing with. But I like to understand the people around me and analyze it. I wanted to create a world in which I could immerse and write. And in this world I can control the outside, ”Tyler explained in another interview.

Scaled and Icy, a project hated by fans

In the ambitious proposal of Trench More details of the story were revealed, such as CLAYa character who through some mysterious letters explained how his life was in demand, his escape and resistance by the bands. That’s when the fans shuffled the idea that Tyler was Clancy.

Embed – Twenty One Pilots – Saturday (Official Video)

But first, you have to open parentheses and highlight SCALED AND ICY (2021)a project bastard by the clique, mainly for not having the lyrical and sound depth that the duo proposed in its previous albums. However, Tyler and Josh leave nothing to chance.

In fact, the name of the album is an anagram of “CLAY IS DEAD”. In addition, the entire album works like a fourth wall, in which Musicians are trapped in Dema and must entertain the city. That is why music sounds so cheerful and colors are bright. Of course, the work was not as successful as its predecessors, although it did continue with the narrative line.

A story that took 10 years to reveal himself and an uncertain end

Tyler manages to escape once againwhich leaves us today. In February last year, the band shared a video confirmed that Tyler was, indeed, Clancy, In addition to all complete history, or “Lore”.

Thus we arrive at CLAY (2024)the last album of the band, which insists with the story that began 10 years ago and seeks to give him end. In this project, a mature sound can be heard by the duo, which explores and experiments with different sounds and effects, and has original melodies and motifs.

Embed – Twenty One Pilots – Overcompensate (Official Video)

The album is one of the best of his discography, and has video clips for each song. Overcompensatesong that opens the album, starts the course of a new chapter, with Tyler (or Clancy) out of demand, In search of a final battle and with the aim of freeing all people from roads.

In Next Semesterthe letters suggest that there would have been a suicide attempt: “I remember certain things, what I was using, the yellow lines in the street. I pray that those lights would take me home, but then someone shouted ‘Hey boy, get out of the road!’ “. When it seems that the “banditos” group will go through the Paladín Strait -explained in the last song of the album, Paladin Strait– Blurryface returns to say the last words: “So Few, So Proud, Emotional. HELLO, CLAY”.

The message refers to Local Fairlycut number four Blurryfaceand leave the story in an uncertain end: Is this the final battle? Or is it a vicious circle? With these questions the duo initiated a World tourwhich has Two stops in Argentina (January 28 and 29) and then continue in Latin America.

This was the Fourth time Twenty One Pilots stepped on Argentine soil. The last three had been at the same festival; The editions 2016, 2019 and 2023 of Lollapalooza.

Source: Ambito

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