The Ministry of Energy of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation established, through the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) and the National Gas Regulatory Entity (Enargas), New tariff paintings that will impact user invoices from February 1, 2025. In addition, it unified bonuses on the price of energy, corresponding to low -income users (N2) and media (N3).
“For the purpose of guaranteeing a sustainable and equitable electricity supply and energy for all users, avoiding shortage and ensuring the economic viability of the energy sector,” says the Official Government, the Government updated prices for February 2025.
The regulations indicate that these will have an update in The final user invoice of 1.6% for natural gas through networks and 1.5% for electricity.
In this way, the Government formalized a new cut in the subsidies to the rates of light and natural gas, affecting some 9.5 million households belonging to the medium and low income segments. From now on, these users will receive a “bonus“Lower in the price of energy in both public services, with an increase in tickets that will be 1.5% in electricity and 1.6% in gas from next month.
The current subsidies scheme is divided into three segments: high -income users (level 1), who pay the full price of services, those of low income (N2) and those of middle income (N3), who receive discounts. The cut mainly affects N2 and N3with a reduction in subsidies of 65% for the first group and 50% for the second, both in electricity and in gas. Compared to the bonuses in force since last June, the N2 and N3 suffered major discounts, of 71.2% and 55.94% in electricity, and 64% and 55% in natural gas, respectively.
The data of the access record to energy subsidies (RASE) reveal that until December 2024, 9.5 million electricity users and 5.3 million natural gas received subsidies, which represents a decrease of approximately 800,000 beneficiaries compared to the total number of residential users.
Since June, the N2 have a bonus cap of 350 kWh per month and the 250 kWh N3, having to pay the full price for the surplus. However, a possible cut in these stops for the coming months is studied, according to information extracted from official sources.
The Government also bets to continue with the slowdown in inflation in 2025, anticipating the legislative elections. Therefore, increases in light and gas rates will be applied below 2% monthly. This month, the adjustments were 1.6% in electricity and 1.8% in gas, while in February they will be 1.5% and 1.6%, respectively. In addition, the monthly adjustment of the official dollar from 2% to 1% will be reduced.
Unification and simplification of discounts on transport and tlectricity
As the official text mentions, it seeks to unify and simplify the discounts applied to the bonus percentages on two key concepts:
Beneficiaries: Discounts/subsidies are aimed at the base consumption of two groups of users:
This measure seeks to make transport and electricity services more accessible to the lower income sectors, by reducing the costs they must assume, according to the official statement.
Change in the compensation mechanism in the Natural Gas Social Tariff Regime
Before, compensations derived from the application of the natural gas rate were paid to the distributors. Now, the payment of these compensation will be made directly to producers of natural gas.
Light and Gas Subsidies 2022.jpg
Discounts are unified and simplified, with 65% bonuses for low -income users (N2) and 50% for middle income users (N3).
The statement Officer emphasizes that by paying the producers directly, the need for distributors to act as intermediaries is eliminated. Also that this change allows payments to be faster and more efficient, reducing possible delays or administrative complications.
Finally, it emphasizes that the measure seeks to make the compensation system more efficient, ensuring that resources arrive more directly and quickly to producers, which could translate into a better service for end users.
The resolutions established by these adjustments were published in the Official Gazette and are part of the strategy of the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, to reduce subsidies and achieve a fiscal balance, as part of their plan to control inflation and carry it below the 2% monthly.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.