They are a focus of insecurity, take place and accumulate garbage. Abandoned cars have multiple reasons that make them a threat to public health. To provide an answer to this problem, The municipality of San Isidro will compact more than 1,300 abandoned cars that are accumulated in the Baulogne fiscal deposit. The measure will also fulfill a solidarity purpose, since the proceeds will be allocated to volunteer firefighters. A collection of 15 million pesos is calculated.
From the municipality they explained that these are cars that were removed from public roads for committing fouls or being abandoned, and that they accumulated over the last years in the fiscal deposit without a clear policy about what to do with them, becoming focus of environmental, insecurity and health problems, especially related to the dengue epidemic.
Burned, without headlights or optics, with the damaged, lacking engines and tires, and of different brands and models, among other issues, the judicial vehicles (cars and trucks) will be compacted in the fiscal deposit that is located located in Buenos Aires and Junín street, Bajo Boulogne.
In the property there are accumulated 2,676 abandoned cars. Of that total, there are 1,376 that correspond to the municipality and another 1,300 that are in police custody of the province of Buenos Aires, since they are part of some judicial case.
Abandoned cars not only shave the landscape, but also generate environmental pollution, and often become a threat to public health. It is that the accumulation of stagnant water in cars has created an environment conducive to the reproduction of mosquitoes, especially Aedes Aegypti, known for being a dengue vector. In turn, the disorderly disposition and the poor condition of the vehicles even led to fire incidents.
Faced with this situation, the municipality’s decision was to declare the emergency of the deposit and adhere to the National Decontamination, Compaction and Final Provision of Automotive ( to get rid of the cars. The objective is to order the fiscal deposit, optimize its capacity and improve its operation, to proceed to the decuatarrization of the property as a measure of health prevention in the campaign to fight dengue.
The initiative also has a solidarity purpose since the money raised from the chatarization will be donated to volunteer firefighters.
The municipality informed that before proceeding with the compaction of the cars, communication will be made to summon the holders of the vehicles that wish to correct offenses and recover them. “This without prejudice to a prolonged period of time from the removal of them that presumes a disinterest for recovering them,” They pointed out.
How is the process before the claim for an abandoned car?
Before a claim for abandoned carthe traffic team of the Municipality will verify the situation and in the first instance a notification is left to the neighbor giving notice of the fault, asking to remove the car. In a second instance, after 5 days, and if the car is still in the same place, a sticker is placed in the relieved vehicle so that the crane can lift it.
To deal with this problem, the municipality incorporated a new crane that raises on average, 10 vehicles per day. Logistics implies hooking and lifting each vehicle, taking it to the corresponding beach, and looking for more vehicles. In addition, two OKM cranes will be incorporated in the coming weeks to give a more agile response to road coexistence problems, such as the blockade of garages and ramps.
Those neighbors who want to denounce the location of an abandoned car can do so through the San Isidro Digital app or the telephone number of the Traffic Agents, which receives messages from WhatsApp to 11-5824-2443 throughout the day and calls from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Source: Ambito

I am Pierce Boyd, a driven and ambitious professional working in the news industry. I have been writing for 24 Hours Worlds for over five years, specializing in sports section coverage. During my tenure at the publication, I have built an impressive portfolio of articles that has earned me a reputation as an experienced journalist and content creator.