
They calculate that since 2015, workers lost an average of almost $3 million

They calculate that since 2015, workers lost an average of almost $3 million

The report of lookout is directly linked to the one prepared a few days ago by the National University of Avellaneda – UNDAVwhich explained that since December 2015, when the government of the front for victorythe private wages lost 16 percent of purchasing power, the public ones around 23 and the informal ones around 37.

This loss, however, was not homogeneous, since the bulk corresponded to the Cambiemos government, while 4 points of decline, in the case of public salaries, and 14 in the informal sector, corresponded to the Frente de Todos government, where also only private salaries sustained their purchasing power rising 0.25% until September.

In fact, from his own lookout They point out that the fall “is the accumulated cost forged by Cambiemos, only partially reversed by the Frente de Todos government in a context of extreme economic vulnerability.”


Contrast with employment

Although the wage drop, although with different intensity, seems to reveal a line of continuity between the efforts of Cambiemos and the current government, the analysis differs strongly when analyzing the levels of activity and employment.

Indeed, the study itself lookout realizes that, based on an activity “100” for December 2015, the same it had fallen 3.5 points at the end of the Macri government (96.5), but reached 103.4 in September 2022. Linked to this were created new 700,000 registered jobs after the recovery of those lost in the pandemic.

It is no coincidence, in this sense,that according to INDEC, with less than a million unemployed until September 2022, the unemployment rate of 7.1% is between the lowest in the last 20 years, far from the 8.9% in which the Cambiemos government left it.

They are, in short, the two faces of a government management in labor matters, which while managed to regenerate the job creation experienced between 2002 and 2015not only did not reverse, but during his management it got worse, the drop in real income suffered by workers since that last year.

Source: Ambito

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