
Taxes: due dates for Buenos Aires taxpayers

Taxes: due dates for Buenos Aires taxpayers

Regarding the first of them, regularization of debts, until that day there are two alternatives. In the case of debts of less than $320,550 nominal, you can adhere to the facilities plan regulated by Res. 262/AGIP/2022 with 100% forgiveness of compensatory interest for those who pay in cash and in an installment. It includes all taxes, whether they are administrative or judicial debts.

In the event that the amount owed exceeds the aforementioned figure, taxpayers may benefit from the transitory facility plan established in Resolution 4323/MHFGC/2022, which grants up to six (6) equal, monthly and consecutive installments, pay debts without financing interest and without limit of amount. Applies to all taxes.

In both cases, individuals and legal entities can access, and include obligations due before August 1, 2022, and debts from expired plans prior to the aforementioned date.

It should be remembered that both plans would have expired on December 15, 2022, but their validity was extended until the end of the current month.

Simplified regimen

Also on 1/31/23 the four-month term to carry out the recategorization of the subjects adhering to the Simplified Regime of Gross Income of CABA expires, as long as they have undergone modifications in some of the parameters (income, electric power and affected area). in the last 12 months.

It must be taken into account that in order to comply with this obligation, the table approved in the Tariff Law for the current year must be considered and that the values ​​of the 8 categories were updated, as well as the annual and bimonthly amounts that correspond to each one of them.

This is a local regime whose control is exercised by the Government Agency for Public Revenues (Agip), mindful that the Autonomous City did not adhere to the Single Tax Registry so that it works jointly and in a complementary manner with the Simplified National Regime (Monotributo), as if they have adhered other jurisdictions.

Consequently, the procedure must be carried out through the website of the city tax administration www.agip.gob.ar.

Source: Ambito

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