
Customs prevented the smuggling of 121 tons of garlic worth nearly US$100,000

Customs prevented the smuggling of 121 tons of garlic worth nearly US$100,000

The General Directorate of Customs halted exports for a total of 121,000 kilograms of garlicin operations on routes bound for Brazil already Chiliwhose value is around $100,000.

The body that runs William Michel warned that the suppliers did not have production capacities consistent with the volumes of garlic they intended to export.

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Attentive to the traceability of the merchandise, Customs required them to present the proper documentation to justify their legal tenure of it and since they were not able to do so, it resolved the interdiction of the cargo that was in primary customs areas, specifically, in tax warehouses in the province of Mendoza and in the Paso de la Barca shelter in Missions.

In this way, the Customs denounced criminally both the operators and the foreign trade auxiliaries of the maneuvers. Furthermore, “it considers it probable that their final intention was also do not liquidate the currencies of exports“, they considered from Michel’s portfolio.

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The maneuvers conform to a risk profile that the Customs has been preparing, jointly with the DGIin relation to the garlic exports. In relation to this, in the Customs explained that “it consists of operators who acquire the merchandise in cash, in large quantities, in the informal market; They export it through suppliers without a capacity commensurate with that volume and then, with the merchandise already placed abroad, evade due currency settlement in Argentina“.

In fact, in a very recent case, the Customs denounced a brazilian operator who presented credit notes of dubious legitimacy to justify the lack of foreign currency income in an export of u$s 156 thousand to their country of origin. It did not have a single employee in a dependency relationship. The agency is investigating, in conjunction with the Argentine Embassy in Brazilin hands of Daniel Sciolito the network of people who, from that country, may have collaborated with their fellow citizen, the executor of the maneuver in our country.

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Also, in cases where the General Directorate of Customs released a few months ago, stated that other exporters were appealing to the creation of shell companies to place garlic in Brazilcounting on the fact that, after not liquidating the received dollars, they would be inhibited by the General Directorate of Customs.

Finally, as in the failed exports to Brazilthe Customs halted an operation 24,000 kg of garlic with the trans-Andean country as destination, since the supplier could not justify possession of the merchandise. He also did not credit a production capacity according to the volume of the sale, of 2,400 boxes of 10 kg each.

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The body that runs William Michel resolved the interdiction of the cargo, which was on top of an Argentine patent truck in the warehouse General Multimodalprovince of Mendozathey specified from said unit.

Source: Ambito

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