
federal demands for the economy with a gender perspective

federal demands for the economy with a gender perspective

This Friday the 12th Plenary of the Federal Board of Economic Policies with a Gender Perspectivewhere portfolio officials from all over the country linked to the economythe production and the job They came together to exchange experiences and tools that tend to equity in the workplace. The centrality of the meeting was in the discussion on compliance mechanisms of the food quota and the recognition of care tasks.

“The balance of the plenary session is very positive. These are spaces for exchange that actually work because there is a contagion effect,” he says dark sun for Ambit, National Director of Economy, Equality and Gender, who recalled that the first meeting of the Federal Board was held in 2020 in the context of a pandemic, when “the activity rate of women had fallen 8 percentage points, falling back to 2002 levels.” “In the second quarter of 2022, the highest number of employment for women was reached since we have a historical record, with 47.7%”, she contrasted, attributing this change to public policies with a gender perspective.

In addition to highlighting the institutionalization of organizations that develop economic policies with gender perspectives throughout the country and in each province, he highlighted the lines of work of “inclusion of women and diversities in strategic sectors and dynamics of the economy, who are the most masculinized. For example, Neuquen in the field of hydrocarbons, jump and Santa Cruz with mining or chaco with programming.

The official of the national Ministry of Economy remarked that the meeting took place between leaders of different parties to enable “a contribution from women, because not even all those who participate in the Table consider themselves feminists, but the demands have to be addressed from all political fronts.” “Really the provinces are the protagonists and it is a transformation that is strongly seen because there were changes in the way of making budgets”, he added.

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Sun Prieto, National Director of Economy, Equality and Gender.

The three debate commissions of the Federal Board

Regarding the meeting held last Friday, Prieto pointed out that “we worked with the care agenda but as part of the economic agenda. This from two very specific approaches, which are the compliance with food quota and the improvement of infrastructure in care”.

Regarding the food debt, the structural intention is “remove it from the sphere of family drama and think about its economic dimensionConsidering that there are 1,600,000 single-parent households in Argentina, where more than 3,000,000 children and adolescents live, then the debt is significant. We are not talking about an individual issue, but about a economic situation that affects povertymainly to the infantile”.

He Parenting index It is the tool that will determine the value of the food debt, contemplating food, clothing, housing, transportation, and care tasks. It was established that will be segmented regionally, according to the average cost of living in each province of the country. “We are advancing in coordination with UNICEF and the INDEC to disseminate the amount within a short time,” said the official.

In addition, lines of legislative reforms were discussed to improve compliance with food debt. According to a survey of Ministry of Women, Gender Policies and Sexual Diversity of the Province of Buenos Aireshe 66.5% of the Buenos Aires mothers surveyed did not receive money as alimony or only eventually received it. only the 7.9% stated that the parent complies with their maintenance obligations through the coverage of expenses and needs directly.

Another of the plenary debates had to do with the care infrastructure: the need to increase care spaces within the work environment to enable the sustainability of labor trajectories in conjunction with upbringing. “The effect of this is concrete:How many women can go to work by leaving the children in a space that is effectively cared for and of quality??” Prieto concluded.

Source: Ambito

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