Climate crisis: IEA: Significantly increase energy efficiency for climate targets

Climate crisis: IEA: Significantly increase energy efficiency for climate targets

The goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees can be kept within reach, says the International Energy Agency. For this to happen, however, progress in energy efficiency would have to be doubled.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) believes that progress in energy efficiency must be doubled by 2030 in order to achieve the climate targets. In this way, the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees can be kept within reach while at the same time making the energy supply safer and more affordable, the IEA announced on Wednesday at a conference in Versailles.

Accordingly, an increase in annual progress in energy efficiency from 2.2 percent today to over 4 percent by 2030 could lead to a decisive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

IEA: Strong momentum in energy efficiency

In addition, more energy efficiency creates jobs, reduces energy costs, air pollution and countries’ dependence on imported fossil fuels. “Today we are seeing strong momentum in energy efficiency,” said IEA Director Fatih Birol. “Countries that account for more than 70 percent of the world’s energy consumption have introduced new or improved energy efficiency measures since the start of the global energy crisis over a year ago.” Now it’s about shifting up a gear.

As the IEA report shows, more efficient and lower energy demand helps emerging and developing countries make faster progress towards universal access to modern and affordable energy. The transition to efficient electrification by phasing out traditional burning of biomass such as charcoal and wood for heating and cooking also brings benefits in terms of better air quality and health.

Among the participants of the three-day IEA conference are government representatives from over 30 countries and over 40 CEOs.

Source: Stern

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