
Fire friend? Fabio Cuggini exploded against the Government for the increase in electricity: This is how we merged

Fire friend?  Fabio Cuggini exploded against the Government for the increase in electricity: This is how we merged

The hairdresser reacted after receiving a bill for half a million pesos. Last year, the stylist showed his support for Javier Milei.

The media hairdresser Fabio Cuggini He expressed his anger this Thursday on social networks after receiving an electricity bill for more than half a million pesos. “We good citizens continue to pay for the party,” he warned.

Cuggini, who tried to run unsuccessfully for the space of Javier Milei and José Luis Espert In the 2021 legislative elections, he harshly criticized the increase in the energy rate after receiving a bill for $471,000 for March consumption.

“This is how SMEs merge! I got the new electricity bill! We good citizens continue to pay for the party! $498,000 plus retroactive $78,700 = $576,700.. END…”, he expressed in his social network account “X”, realizing the discomfort over the amount he will have to pay in the coming weeks.

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The hairdresser exploded as a result of the value he received in the March ballot from the Edesur company and for the first time he showed his disagreement with the government of Milei, whom he supported on different occasions, the last one facing the November runoff against Sergio Massa.

Cuggini, A fervent critic of politics, he pointed out on different occasions against the government of Alberto Fernández, mainly after the quarantine. “Me from Alfonsín to date everyone screwed me. All this chaos was generated since the return to democracy. Then they blame us. Then you feel stupid. The living person lives from the idiot, and the idiot from the work. So I dedicate myself to politics and chorear,” he said in August of last year in an interview with Cadena 3 Rosario.

At that time, he described Milei as an expression of “the anger of the people” and stated that Argentina needs “a crazy person”, although he stressed that The current president was not “the future” but rather the future “is for us all to be together.”

The media hairdresser approached the libertarian space in 2021 with the intention of being part of the lists for the 2021 elections. And despite having launched his candidacy, he was ultimately not part of any list.

Source: Ambito

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