Federico Sturzenegger assured that Latam would fly in Argentina again

Federico Sturzenegger assured that Latam would fly in Argentina again

October 9, 2024 – 20:43

The Minister of State Deregulation assured that the Chilean company would be willing to return to the country after changes in an ANAC resolution.

While the conflict between the Government and the aeronautical unions continues intentions to privatize Aerolíneas Argentinas growthe Minister of State Deregulation, Federico Sturzeneggergave important news for the sector: after almost four years, The Latam group, with Chilean and Brazilian capital, could fly in Argentina again.

The airline decided to stop working in the country in February 2021 due to operational problems due to conflicts with unions. At that time, the Chilean company indicated that the ramp service, run by the state-owned Intercargo, had delays of up to 45 minutes after landingwith the passengers inside.

Furthermore, operations in Argentina had been losing money for the company. The pre-pandemic situation was not ideal and the stoppage in 2020 ended up defining his farewell. The Chilean flag company had had negative balances for two years, with losses of more than US$260 million between 2018 and 2019.

However, last week, the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) published a resolution that authorizes companies in the sector to have foreign personnel and operate with foreign registration. From this change, Sturzenegger He assured that the Chilean airline could return to the country. “Latam told me that, under these conditions, I would fly in Argentina again“, held. Furthermore, the possibility of working with foreign registration would make working conditions more flexible.

Although he did not give deadlines or further details in this regard, he indicated which two cities the airline could fly to: Córdoba and Mendoza.

The Government declared Aerolíneas Argentinas “subject to privatization”

The Government declared the airline company Aerolíneas Argentinas as “subject to privatization”, in the midst of the strong conflict with the unions over salary claims. The Executive seeks to get rid of the flag airline under Article 9 of Law No. 23,696 on the Reform of the Menem State. After Marsans’ failed experience, the company could return to private hands.

With the signature of President Javier Milei, decree 873/24 was published tonight that allows the national administration to take the first step to get rid of the state company. After that, the declaration will be communicated to the National Congress, which will have the last word in the process.

After being left off the list of companies to be privatized in the Law Bases, The ruling party thus revives the idea of sell Argentine Airlines, within the framework of the conflict with the aeronautical unions and the strikes that have occurred in recent weeks.

Source: Ambito

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