The main phrases of Javier Milei’s national channel

The main phrases of Javier Milei’s national channel

December 10, 2024 – 21:58

The President took stock of his management at the head of the country on the 1st anniversary of his arrival to power.

He president Javier Milei addressed the country Tuesday night by issuing a recorded message. From the white room of the Pink Housethe president provided a report on his first year in office, as well as the priorities his administration has for 2025.

It is about the seventh national network of the Presidentafter the announcement of the DNU 70/2023 days after taking office; another two for management evaluation prior to the end of their first semester in office; another two for May 25 and July 9; and the presentation of the project Budget 2025 (which was ultimately not approved).

During the afternoon, after recording the message, Milei met with her entire Cabinet, her parents and her partner, Amalia “Yuyito” González, to make a toast in Pink House. In addition, he came out to greet the nearly 250 people who were cheering him from the balcony, who euphorically asked him to go down to the bars, something that ended up happening minutes later. There, he assured: “We are celebrating the best government in history and in 2025 Argentina will grow, take off and inflation will go down”.

The main phrases of the national chain

  • ”I want to thank ordinary Argentines, who were treated as second-class citizens for decades. The sacrifice they have made is moving, I assure you that it will not be in vain”.
  • ”Difficult times create strong men. This year we Argentines have proven to be strong men and women.”
  • The recession is over. The country has finally begun to grow, thank you for trusting this Government.”
  • “Exactly one year ago A degenerate fiscal had to print 13 points of GDP in one year to win an election
  • ”We can end the year with relief. We have left the worst behind. The future will be better and better. Happy times are coming in Argentina”.
  • ”We are getting closer every day to inflation being little more than a bad memory.”
  • ”Today we have a sustained fiscal surplus, free of default. This was thanks to making the biggest adjustment in human history”.
  • ”We are paying the debt that serial defaulters left us.”
  • “Today not only the debt is healthy but also the flow of imports because it is paid in a timely manner.”
  • On the dollar gap: ”It has been 16 years since something like this happened in our country.”
  • ”Today we not only have quotas. “We have 30-year mortgage loans.”
  • ”We have made the largest structural reform in history. Eight times bigger than Menem’s.
  • ”We are not going to stop until become the freest country in the world. Our goal is to make 3,200 more structural reforms before the end of our mandate.”
  • ”Today the picketers are afraid to take to the streets.”
  • ”Today The world once again sets its sights on Argentina for the right reasons. “The United States is designing its own Ministry of Deregulation in the image and likeness of ours.”
  • “By giving a logical fiscal framework to investments of more than US$200 million, we already have a request for approval of investments for more than US$11.8 billion, and there are announcements for billions more in sectors such as infrastructure, mining, steel, energy, automotive, technology, oil and gas.”
  • ”We came to end the regime of privileges. The time of the common man has arrived”.
  • ”We reduced the ministries from 18 to 8. We eliminated almost a hundred secretariats. “We freeze the salaries of high-ranking officials.”
  • ”We closed the INADI and the Ministry of Women, which were hiding places for militants and were used to persecute political adversaries.”
  • ”If we could do so much with everyone against us, Imagine what we can do with a tailwind”.
  • All Argentines will be able to use the currency they want in their daily transactions”.
  • Next year the exit from the stocks will be a reality“For this we are working on a definitive solution to the problem of the Central Bank’s stocks, which can occur either through a new program with the Monetary Fund or through an agreement with private parties.”
  • ”From now on, Each Argentine will be able to buy, sell and invoice in dollars, or in the currency they consider; except for the payment of taxes, which for now will continue to be in pesos.
  • ”My team is finishing a structural tax reform that will reduce the amount of national taxes by 90%”.
  • ”We are going to do a ruthless audit to move forward with the deepest reduction in public spending in Argentine historywhich will leave us a smaller, more effective, and cheaper state for all tax payers.”
  • ”Our objective will be promote a free trade agreement with the United States next year”.
  • Now the deep chainsaw is coming”.
  • ”The smaller the State, the greater the freedom.”
  • ”We are going to promote an Anti-Narcoterrorism Unit to combat drug trafficking in the triple border. “We will seek the cooperation of our neighbors who make up Mercosur.”
  • ”Let no one be surprised if Argentina becomes the next hub artificial intelligence of the world”.
  • ”We are going to design an Argentine Nuclear Plan”.
  • ”Today for the first time in decades, we have laid the foundation so that this path leads to the prosperous and thriving country that our founding fathers dreamed of.”
  • ”We are the future and prosperity. We are going to continue our adjustment program to be able to lower taxes and return money to the private sector”.

Source: Ambito

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