Javier Milei confirmed that he will promote a free trade agreement with the United States

Javier Milei confirmed that he will promote a free trade agreement with the United States

President Javier Milei said this Tuesday that he will seek a free trade agreement with the United Statesanticipating that it will promote reforms so that the Mercosur countries have “autonomy” with the rest of the world. He did so during his speech for the anniversary of the first year in office that was broadcast on the national network.

It will seek to “eliminate tariff obstacles that hinder free internal trade within Mercosur and reduce the common external tariff that makes life more expensive for all of us without any benefit in return,” he anticipated. He had advanced the position last Friday in Montevideo during the leaders’ summit where Argentina assumed the protempore presidency of the bloc.

At the beginning of his speech, Milei thanked “ordinary Argentines” for their support and predicted that “happy times are coming” for Argentina. “The sacrifice they have made will not be in vain,” Milei promised in a recorded message, which was broadcast starting at 9 p.m., in which he also assured that “the recession is over and the country has begun to grow.”

The head of state was accompanied by the entire Cabinet, sitting at the same table with the head of ministers, Guillermo Francos, and with his sister and general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei. “Every day we are closer to inflation being little more than a bad memory”stressed the Argentine president, when making an evaluation of the year on an economic level.

In that sense, he said that in 2025 there will be “sustained growth” based on the macroeconomic foundations that were laid in the last twelve months. “Exactly one year ago today, a degenerate prosecutor came from printing 13 points of GDP in one year to win an election,” said Milei, referring to the former presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos (FdT), Sergio Massa.

In contrast, he stressed that “today the monetary issue is a thing of the past.” He maintained, meanwhile, that when he took office “they said he was not going to make it to January” and it is already “in December,” while remarking: “We are uncovering his jobs.”

“We open the skies, we deregulate land transportation, we eliminate maximum prices, we repeal the Gondolas law, the excesses of Sadaic, we enable satellite Internet and we increase competition in the medicine sector,” Milei highlighted.

Among the announcements of the speech, the President anticipated that he is “closer every day to the definitive exit of the exchange rate.” He stressed that this measure was an “aberration that should never have happened” and added: “With us it will end next year and forever.”

In addition, he noted that his administration will face a “reduction of explicit taxes” that “will reduce the amount of national taxes by 90 percent.”

Source: Ambito

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