a twisted plan and an explosive necklace

a twisted plan and an explosive necklace

It is 3:18 p.m. on August 28, 2003. Near the PNC Bank on Peach Street in Erie Pennsylvania, police witness the explosion of a necklacecarried by Brian Douglas Wellsa pizza delivery man.

The unusual death not only left Wells with a gaping hole in his chest, but authorities with many questions.. But for that you have to go back a little in time, when an order changed the life of the delivery person.

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Brian Douglas Wells, the wearer of the explosive collar.

The story of Brian Douglas Wells, the pizza delivery man who died in the middle of a bank robbery

Wells dropped out of high school in 1973, and from then on He dedicated himself to delivering pizzas, a job he held for 30 years.. Legend and valuable pizzeria employee Mama Miareceived a call to deliver two pizzas to 8631 Peach Streetan address near the premises.

The address belonged to the WSEE-TV station’s broadcast tower, at the end of a dirt road. There, according to police reports, He would have held a meeting with his “accomplices”, Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and Kenneth Barnes, with whom he agreed to carry out the robbery of the PNC bank.. The plan included a fake bomb that Wells would have, although plans quickly changed after the deliveryman learned that the bomb was real, and it would be on his neck.

Against his will, The perpetrators of the crime placed the device on him and gave him two pages of handwritten instructionsdirected at the “Bomb Hostage”. They indicated a series of tasks that, upon completing them, would obtain a key to delay the explosion of the bomb. “ACT NOW, THINK LATER OR YOU WILL DIE”read the last words of the last page.

Wells entered the bank with the order to get 250,000 at gunpoint -his shotgun camouflaged as a cane-, although he only got 8,702 from the cashierwhich did not have access to the vault. 15 minutes later, The police found the pizza delivery man standing next to his car and arrested him. He alerted officers that he was wearing a bomb around his neck, although they made no attempt to disarm the device. The bomb squad arrived, but three minutes late. By the time they had arrived, the bomb had exploded and Wells was dead..

Now, how did all this start? Wells had met Barnes through a prostitute who often used Barnes’ house as a place to have sexual relations with clients. The goal of the robbery was to get enough money to find someone to kill Barnes-Diehl, Armstrong’s father – the other accomplice – so Diehl-Armstrong could get an inheritance..

What justice determined in the case of Brian Douglas Wells

The accusation came in 2007, and Prosecutors resolved that Wells was involved in the failed plot to rob the bankeven though they never figured out his reasons behind his decision.

Besides, On December 3, 2008, Kenneth Barnes was sentenced to 45 years in prison by a federal judge in Erie for his role in the crime.. Additionally, on November 1, 2010, Diehl-Armstrong was convicted of armed bank robbery, conspiracy to commit armed bank robbery, and using a destructive device in a crime. She was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years on February 28, 2011..

Source: Ambito

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