Protests at Green Week: Alliance “We’re fed up” moves through Berlin

Protests at Green Week: Alliance “We’re fed up” moves through Berlin

Protests at Green Week
The “We’re fed up” alliance is moving through Berlin

The “We’re fed up” campaign is a Green Week tradition. It’s about the worries and needs of agriculture. This time there were no tractors rolling through Berlin. There were other signs of this.

Farmers and other organizations demonstrated for sustainable agriculture at the Green Week agricultural trade fair in Berlin. Activists spread banners in the government district. Their demand was: “Choose courageous agricultural policy!”. According to the organizers, around 60 organizations took part in the demonstration. 10,000 participants were registered. At the start, the police said there were around 1,700 people.

Demo of “We’re fed up”

The organizers are concerned about animal, climate and environmental protection, the preservation of many farms, fair prices and good food. The “We’re fed up” alliance criticized the federal government. She stood idly by and watched “the biggest rollback in agricultural policy in decades”, i.e. a step backwards. As with previous governments, the restructuring of animal husbandry was left behind. Far too often, corporate interests have been rated as more important. “We all want healthy food. We all want animal welfare, environmental and climate protection. The coming federal government must finally provide adequate support to farms,” ​​demanded campaign manager Anne Kambraks. Last year, the police said there were around 7,000 people at the demonstration. There were no protests with tractors this time because of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Brandenburg.

Protest note for Özdemir

Activists handed over a protest note to Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) in the morning before a conference. They called on him and his international counterparts to put farmers before the interests of corporations. “All people who live and work in rural areas must be included in the political shaping of our food systems,” says the protest note. Too often, farmers around the world are faced with a political fait accompli.


Source: Stern

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