
Photo with a lot of meaning: Elliot Page is shown smiling and topless

Photo with a lot of meaning: Elliot Page is shown smiling and topless

For decades he had to live in the wrong body, hiding under many layers of clothing in the summer. It’s over: Elliot Page can finally be a normal man. That means a lot to him.

A young man, smiling, wearing a cap and a gold chain on the beach. Not really a sight worth mentioning. If it weren’t for the two slightly faded scars on his upper body and if it weren’t for a real Hollywood star you’re looking at. It is namely Elliot Page, known from the series “The Umbrella Academy”. He made his breakthrough in 2007 with the movie “Juno” – at that time he was still in a female body.

The 36-year-old now revealed very openly how much that always bothered him. “I’m so grateful for what the gender reassignment treatments have been able to do for me,” he says. “I look forward to sharing more of my personal journey.” He used to feel uncomfortable in warmer temperatures when he couldn’t hide his body, which felt so wrong, under layers of clothing. “The dysphoria was particularly bad in the summer,” Page said.

Elliott Page can finally be carefree

In the meantime he has had several gender reassignment surgeries, including having his female breasts removed. This allows the actor to finally be able to relax on the beach without having to hide, just being himself. “I never thought I would experience that, that joy in my body,” says Page. Being able to live in the right body made him a better person in general: “I think it made me better in so many ways. As a person, as a friend, in relationships.”

Elliot Page wants to tell about his difficult path to himself in his autobiography. The book is slated to be titled “Pageboy” and will be in stores on June 6th.

Sources: Instagram

Source: Stern

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