
How to understand my cat?: I know the forms of communication most used by specialists

How to understand my cat?: I know the forms of communication most used by specialists

Domestic animals have different behaviors that allow them to communicate with their owners. Get to know some of them to understand them even more.


Like all animalsthe cats they have their own complex language and perhaps difficult for people to learn. Although it is not easy to understand what the pet want to convey, there are some tips to facilitate the communication.




Pets: how to communicate and understand my cat?

There is two forms principals of communication in the cats: one based on his natural instincts and another through his behavior. However, it is important to note that you can understand what the cat means based only on a specific behavior, but you must interpret the set of moves, gestures, meows and any other kind of sign.

One of the basic instincts of the felines is mark their territory. They like to spread their smell and leave brands in the space they consider their own. It is a form of leave your mark and warn other felines that place belongs to them. For this reason, it is important provide them your own place to rest and a scratching post where they can sharpen their nails. This helps them relieve he stress and allows them to mark their territory.




He meow is another way of communication widely recognized in cats. through the tone and intensityThey try to express their needs. The short meows and multiples are often used as greetingswhile the long meows usually indicate a needas meal either attention.

He purrin addition to doing it when they are comfortable, happy and quietthey can also do it when they have hungerthey feel stressed or experience some kind of pain. He purr releases endorphins that help the cat to chill out and calm down through the vibrations it produces.

Source: Ambito

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