Javier Milei deepens the link with China: he revealed that he received a letter from Xi Jinping for his birthday

Javier Milei deepens the link with China: he revealed that he received a letter from Xi Jinping for his birthday

“Today we did a little toast and then I continued working, I received the ambassador of China who brought a letter from Xi Jinping greeting me on my birthday,” the president commented in an interview on the Neura streaming channel. He also slipped that “he doesn’t give much importance” to his birthdaybut takes it as “just another day.”

The greeting of Xi Jinping It occurred in the middle of the rapprochement that the libertarian management with China, although without abandoning the alignment geopolitical with the USA. During the presidential campaign, Milei had said that as president he would not promote a relationship with China and used a forceful phrase, warning that he would not make pacts with “communists.”

But 10 months after his inauguration There is a change in this matter. At the end of last month, the Argentine president showed signs of his new position by stating that “China is a very interesting trading partner. “They don’t demand anything, the only thing they ask is that they not be bothered.”

“We had a meeting with the ambassador (Wang Wei), the next day they unblocked the ‘swap'”Milei indicated during his conversation with Susana Gimenez, in reference to the rescheduling, last June, of the payments corresponding to an activated tranche of the currency swap maintained by both nations.

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, confirmed the new course geopolitical when talking about the stocks and using the Asian giant as an example, during an interview weeks ago. “There is an obsession here with the stocks because they have eaten another story that “The economy cannot grow if you do not get out of the trap.” In that sense, he exemplified: “You have the case of China that has stocks and has been growing at double digits for many years.

The president confirmed on TN that he plans to visit the Asian country in January, to attend the summit of the CELAC. And to clear up doubts he reaffirmed: “Relations with China are excellent. They surprised me because they are an extremely friendly partner, all they want is to not be bothered. “They want to be a business partner.”

Furthermore, he stated that Argentina has “the products that China needs” so “there is a mutual welfare gain to exploit trade opportunities.” To confirm the rapprochement with China, the president will send his sister to Beijing and general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei, to lead a mission.

Source: Ambito

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