They operated on Lula da Silva again successfully and the doctors indicated that “he is awake and talking”

They operated on Lula da Silva again successfully and the doctors indicated that “he is awake and talking”

December 12, 2024 – 08:54

The president of Brazil underwent a procedure to prevent further bleeding in the head. At 10 there will be a press conference by the medical team in which they will give more details about the president’s health.


The president of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva underwent a medical procedure this Thursday to prevent further bleeding in the head, local media reported. The medical report indicated that the intervention was successful and that the president responded well to the treatment.

“The procedure has just finished, was successfulwe achieved embolize that artery. The president is awake and talking,” said doctor Roberto Kalil, after the procedure, which began around 7:10, 7:15 and lasted less than an hour.

Meanwhile, at 10 in the morning the medical team is scheduled to hold a press conference where they will report on Lula’s progress and give more details of the procedure performed.

Lula Da Silva.JPG

Lula is 79 years old and his health is progressing favorably.

Lula is 79 years old and his health is progressing favorably.


Lula da Silva underwent surgery again

The technique is not considered surgery, but rather an “endovascular procedure (embolization of the middle meningeal artery)” and will not influence the expected discharge from the ICU, which should be this Thursday. The intervention is part of the post-surgical protocol.

The new procedure performed today aims to slow blood flow in a region of his brain and prevent him from having the same problem he suffered this week again.

According to the same document from the medical team, the president is in intensive care and “He spent the day (this Wednesday) well, without complications, he did physical therapy, walked and received visits from family.” Lula is expected to continue under medical surveillance for several daysuntil resuming their functions next week.

Source: Ambito

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